5. Ashlynn

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Ashlynn in the picture.

That was all Aubrey needed to hear.

There was nothing he could do to fix what he broke but going to be there for Ramsey was a step in the right direction. He was excited to feel his daughter move around for the first time. He'd listen to her heart beat while on FaceTime with Ramsey while she was at doctor's appointments. But he hasn't been there face to face. When Ramsey did talk to him she always complained about the baby kicking her so much but Aubrey was jealous that he couldn't feel it.

He wanted his daughter to hear his voice before she came into this world. Talking to Ramsey's belly through the phone just wasn't the same. Ramsey even put headphones on her stomach and played Audrey's music for the baby. She only played most of the songs where he sang Ramsey didnt want her to hear any of his hardcore stuff while she was in the womb.

"Amir stop crying. It'll be fun." Aubrey said trying to convince Amir to get on the plane. The first time he freaked out so bad Aubrey had to drive to New York to Canada to get home. "I get on planes all the time. Theres a TV on there and you can play your games if you want." Amir put his face in Audrey's neck. "If we get on the plane we can go see Ramsey a lot faster." Amir looked at his dad and Aubrey wiped his tears. "You wanna see her right?" Amir nodded. "Well if we drive there it'll take forever but if we fly there we can be there quickly because the baby can be here any time now."

Aubrey was trying to get the parenting thing down as best as he could. Amir was full of energy and spent most of his time ripping and running around the house and that caused for a lot of discipline. Aubrey couldn't see himself as the parent to whoop his child but a harsh talking too is what he settled for. Thankfully Amir still feared him the same is if he was about to get whooped. He also put Amir in time out when he felt like talking wasn't enough.

"But the air plane is scary." Aubrey held a firm grip on Amir as he headed for the stairs. He didnt want Amir trying to run away like last time. "It's not that bad. We have to get on the plane we don't have time to drive." He stepped one foot on and Amir began to freak out. "Amir! Don't start being crazy before we get on this damn plane." Aubrey said in a harsh tone. Amir gripped onto him as Aubrey continued up the stairs of the air craft.

Aubrey pointed to one of the seats in the back. "Go sit back there and wait for Chubs to put your seat belt on." He put Amir down and watched him hesitantly walk where he told him to. "You okay man?" 40 asked coming on board. "Yeah I'm a little stressed out." Aubrey took his jacket off and the flight attended took it and went up the steps on the plane to put it away. "Is it about Ramsey?" 40 asked sitting on the couch. Aubrey nodded and sat next to him while looking over to see Chubs strapping Amir in. "It's been almost a year basically since I seen her. I just don't want things to awkward you know? When we talked on the phone last night I tried to make conversation but she still wasn't going for it. She let me know how she was doing and rushed me off the phone."

40 looked at Aubrey. "I know this an asshole thing to say but you know you did cheat on her right? I don't know what you're expecting." Aubrey laughed lowly to himself. "Yeah I'm reminded every time I wake up in bed by myself." Aubrey rubbed his hand over his beard in thought. "I don't know what to expect honestly. I just hope she doesn't rip my face off or something."

There was a short silence between them as Aubrey thought about the many scenarios that could go down when they see each other.

"Well think positively man. We're gonna be taking off in five minutes." 40 patted his back before standing up and heading upstairs.


"I'm fine Indi. Go play or something." Ramsey said out of breath in front of the toilet. Indigo sat beside her and sniffed at her stomach. "I know she's kicking the shit out of me." Ramsey wiped the sweat from her forehead and attempted to stand up. "Ashlynn!" She shouted towards the bathroom door.

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