15. Worry

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Can you guys see the picture? 🤔 Because every time I put a picture up for you guys it always comes out as a gray square with the wattpad logo after I publish it.

Let me know.

Ramsey put her plate on the arm of the throne and met Tyree half way.

"What are you doing here?" She asked stunned by his presence.

"You're dad called me and said you were pregnant and you were having your baby shower here in New York. I have been doing some acting stuff here in the city so I thought I would stop by to see you. I-I can leave if you want me too."

"No! Uh don't. You don't have too." Ramsey placed her hands gently on his arms. "I'm sorry." She put her arms at her side once she realized she was touching him.

"No you're fine." He gave her a small smile. "So you're really pregnant huh?" He looked down at her belly and smiled through the pain that struck through his heart.

"Yeah her name is Raja. She could be here any day now." Ramsey let out a dry laugh as she started to feel ashamed. This was supposed to his baby if she hadn't made the mistake of running away with Aubrey. Tyree tried to tell her that she should would regret it and she did. Life with him was easy, they never argued, they laughed a lot, the sex was good, but there was no excitement since he worked all the time. She ran away with Aubrey hoping to find that excitement and she but you see that didn't last long.

"I'm happy for you Ram, I really am. I should probably go." His voice cracked but he cleared his throat to cover it. "I don't want to cause any problems." He looked over her to see Aubrey staring at him.

Ramsey quickly blinked her tears away and swallowed the knot in her throat. "Don't worry about him. Stay... Please." She grabbed his hand and gave it a light squeeze.

"Okay." He gave her a warm hug before walking back to the table where Keith was getting him a seat. Ramsey stood there for a second before retaking her place next to Aubrey and went back to her plate.

"Who's that?" Aubrey asked standing up with an empty plate. "Uh thats Tyree, he's an old friend of Keith's." She said acting like nothing was wrong, it wasn't a complete lie. Tyree was Keith's best friend when they were in school and Keith was the one who got the two of them together. Tyree and Ramsey had been together since they were fifteen until Ramsey ruined everything.

Aubrey nodded and slowly walked away to throwing his empty plate in the trash. He looked out from the corner of his eye at this Tyree person and knew it was something deeper that just friends. He couldn't be too concerned about it considering Ramsey wasn't his anymore, but that didn't stop him from wanting to know more.

Chubbs came into his view and waved him over. Aubrey picked up a cup of sprite from the food station and followed behind him.

"What's going on?"

"You're mom is here and she said she wasn't coming in til you brought her in."

"What?" Aubrey asked scrunching his face up in confusion. They walked out the room catching Ramsey's eye. His mom must be here. She thought to herself and mentally rolled her eyes. Chubbs lead Aubrey down the hall to see him mom, dad, and his whole crew waiting in the lobby.

"Oh shit." He said smiling in surprise.

"Drizzy my main man." OB said coming up to him to give him dap.

"Wow Ramsey invited all of you?" Aubrey said hugging everyone else.

"Yeah she called Sandi and she told us about the baby shower, so we got on the next flight to help you welcome this baby into the world. My second grandchild I can't believe it." His father Dennis said giving his son a hug. "Your mom is out here trippin." He whispered in Audrey's ear as they let each other go.

After celebrating their short reunion Aubrey focused his attention on his mother.

"What's going on mom? Why Chubbs say you aren't coming in till I brought you in?" He asked with his cup to his bottom lip before taking another sip.

Sandi pulled her purse higher on her shoulder. "Because this is the mother of your child's baby shower and all her family is going to be in there, and there's only handful of us." She said looking up at him with worry in her eyes.

"Mom are you going to be paranoid about every little thing? Her family is nice. You see they let me in after everything that happened. So you'll be fine. You gotta meet her parents and all that, after all you are the grandmother of the child that's about to enter into this world. So stop trippin and let's go in."

Aubrey said grabbing her hand and leading them back into the room.


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