10. Before the shower (prt 2)

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Ramsey's sisters in the picture. Raven (glasses), Romy (dreads), Reagan (brown hair), and Riza (with the buns)

Just a quick updated since it's been a while.
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Third Person

"What the hell is he doing here?"

"Reagan don't start." Ramsey said rolling her eyes.

Aubrey wanted to run back to the car but he stood his ground. "I'm here because this is my baby too."

"You getting smart with me?" Reagan asked walking up to him. "You cheat on my sister and you expect to come up in here and get some love?" Aubrey shool his head. "I'm not expecting nothing but for you to let me help with this baby shower. If you got a problem with that you can leave because I'm not going nowhere."

"Who the fuck is this guy?"

"Rea stop." Romy came over and pulled her away and Raven stepped in. "I'm sorry about that. We know what you did and there's no reason to dwell on it okay? I'm glad you're here, that means you're going to be here for my neice. Now Romy and I are more forgiving than Raegan and our parents but it shows you're not scared. That's a good thing." She gave him a smile before walking away.

What's that supposed to mean?: Aubrey thought.

Ramsey patted his back and followed behind Raven to see what needs to be done.

"I guess your not as scared as I thought you were." Their mom Veronica said coming out of the bathroom. Aubrey turned to her feeling the amount of nervousness rise. "Let's talk." Aubrey nodded and followed her outside. Ramsey watched as they leave out.

"Good luck with that." Reagan said with a laugh.


"When I first met you at the hospital that day I could tell you really loved ny daughter. I may not have shown it but I could see it. I want to thank you for staying by her side and taking care of her for all these years. Ramsey has since told me all about you and I started to understand why she would lie to us ask these years. I was disappointed when she dropped out of school suddenly and decided to "explore the world." I knew that's what she wanted to do after getting her bachelor's degree. But if I had a great man like you to run off with I'd do the same." She looked at Aubrey with a weak smile. "Which makes me wonder why you would cheat on her."

Aubrey picked his words wisely before speaking. "I'm sure she told you I've cheated before." Veronica nodded. "The first time I wasn't that serious with Ramsey and this was after she dropped out. Ramsey wasn't fast like most girls I've dated and I wasn't quite over my ex yet. So I cheated a few times with the other girl but soon realized that it was just the sex I missed and told on myself."

"What about this time recently?"

"I'm not myself when I drink to much. And after a few drink I know I can be easily persuaded to drink some more. I was on tour and I ran into an ex, not the same girl from before but the mother of my son. I was on tour and I was in her city and she came backstage and took advantage of the situation. She recorded the two of us to use against me one day. Well that day happened to be the day Ramsey left me and now we're here. She's given up so much for me and yet I just keep hurting her."

"I should kill you." She said seriously.

Aubrey laughed. "And I'd understand."

"I like you Aubrey. You seem like a very nice young man. I like to think I'm a very forgiving person like I've raised my daughters to be. But my husband is not as nice as me and neither is my adopted son, as he likes to call himself, you know Keith." Veronica stood in front of him with a friendly smile. "Now if you come to this baby shower tomorrow... Expect at some point, at any time, you could possibly be pulled away from the party and get your ass beat by some men." She patted his chest and laughed. "Now let's get back in there, I need someone to help me blow up balloons."


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