Jane. Patrick Jane.

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We walk into the CBI to meet the leader of the team in charge.

"Hello. I'm Theresa Lisbon." says a raven haired woman who looks like she's in her late twenties "This is my team. Cho, Van Pelt, and Rigsby."

"Hotchner. That's, Morgan, Reid, Rossi, and Whitler." he points to each of us in turn.

"We currently have a suspect in custody."y

"And we're just here to confirm?" Hotch checks.

"No, you're here to get him off."

"Why would we do that."

"Because he didn't do it."

"Then why is he still in custody?"

"Protocol. We would've been kicked off the case if we hadn't brought him in."

"How are we suposed to help exactly?" Morgan asks.

"He said she would know."

My face goes red as everyone turns to follow her gaze, directly to me.

All but Hotch anyways.

"Where is he?" he asks without turning his head.

"Follow me."

She leads us to the room where they hold suspects for questioning.

"Can I talk to him?" Hotch asks.

Lisbon gestures to the door "Be my guest."

"What's your name?" Hotch asks even though he could easily find out from the CBI agents out here.

He smirks "Julie."

"You do know how serious this is Mr....?"

"Bond. James Bond."

Lisbon groans beside me muttering to.. Van Pelt? "Why must he be so difficult?"

I find myself fighting a smile, something tells me that if this woman, who was obviously very stern, believed whatever he was selling, it was probably true.

Hotch doesn't let show how frustrated he is "You're facing murder charges."

"You make it sound as if I did it." the man says lightly.

Hotch walks out, shaking his head "For an innocent man, he sure doesn't want to co-operate."

"He's just being... him." she finishes lamely.

"You seem to know him pretty well."

"You could say that."

"Are you sexually involved with him?"

The one named Rigsby snorts.

Lisbon's face is as red as a clown's nose "No. Me and him- just.. no."

I can see Van Pelt fighting a smile.

Despite her and the teams reactions it's obvious that she has some kind of feelings for him.

Rossi and the others look amused but Hotch doesn't and I can tell he knows the same thing as me.

"Anytime you want to come in here Erica, please do." the man calls out to the empty room, knowing I was behind the reflective glass.

"What's his name?" Hotch asks.

"Jane. Patrick Jane."

"Bad smells. Bad memories. That's because the memory is right beside the smell box in the brain. Nothing makes you remember like a smell."
Patrick Jane

From Victim To Hero: A Criminal Minds Multi-Fandom FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now