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Reid's face goes red imediately.

"Hey Lila." his voice goes up an octave from it's usual pitch.

"Hey. I told you to drop by if you were in town but now I decided I might as well come see you." she says.

"I- well-" he stumbles.

"Use your big boy words!" Morgan advises, sending me a none to subtle wink.

I can visibly see the bop in Reid's adam's appelle as he swallows "How- how did you know I was coming?"

"Serial murders. BAU on their way. It doesn't take a genius to connect the dots!"

It wasn't taking a genius to connect these dots either. They had some kind of history together and he had a major crush on her.

"Reid," he turns to see Hotch "not now."

Reid turns back to Lila but before he can even open his mouth she beats him to it "My house. Eight o'clock."

He nods only to see she's already walking in the opposite direction.

He turns back to us just in time to see Morgan grin and raise his eyebrows expectantly, which he conveniently ignores along with the questioning look from my end. I look to Morgan for answers.

"Later." he tells me, noding his head towards where the others are, Hotch looking at us.


We speed walk over to them, Morgan almost leaving me behind since he's almost a full foot taller than me.

"-and the last body was found two miles North-East of here." the officer finishes what he was saying.

Reid walks over to us and shows us a map he had pulled out of his long brown coat. It was a small map of the Hollywood area with red dots in certain locations. I look up from it to look at the marker in his other hand. Red.

"Thanks kid." Morgan tells him and gets a small smile in return.

"I thought I was the new kid." I whisper to Morgan.

"It suits him. He's a lot more childish than you are. Don't worry, I can think of something else for you if you really want." he whispers back.

"Don't you dare!"

"Maybe you can be-" I elbow him and point with my eyes to where Hotch is glaring towards us.

"Good catch." he tells me quickly.

We both turn our attention back to the case at hand.

"Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young."

Henry Ford

From Victim To Hero: A Criminal Minds Multi-Fandom FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now