Blindfold Dilema

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You never really think you're going to fall in love with ice until you fracture a toe.

I'm sitting at home with my foot lifted on pillows and a makeshift ice pack straped to it with a old belt my mom gave me a month after grandpa died.

We had been really close, grandpa and I. When he passed I took it pretty hard. Dad saw and tried to talk to me about it but he hadn't been that close to his father-in-law so nothing he said had helped. Finally my mom took action. She came into my room, where I was sulking, and placed a belt on my bed.

"What's that for?" I had said.

"I have two belts of my Dad's and only need one. Everytime you miss him, just look at this belt. It'll remind you that a part of him is still here. I know you're probably thinking I'm crazy, but he will always be here. As long as we remember him."

I had thought she was crazy but it had worked, I'd gotten over my depression. If I ever became lonely I would talk to it. I know, now I've gone crazy. What's the big difference between a grave and a belt though? It's not like his spirit's trapped in the grave. At least I didn't believe that.

I wish Mom was here right now. She'd make this all seem normal, but she was hours away. For the millionth time since moving out I consider phoning her but decide against it once more.

It's been way too long. She's probably moved on by now. I doubt she even thinks of me.

'But what if she does?'

Then she can phone me.

'If you're both thinking that, who's left to do it?'


I knew that wasn't going to happen though, I loved him but the last time I spoke to him it was to fight. He doesn't want to talk to me.

'Just keep telling yourself that.'

I ignore it as a change my ringtone out of bordom, I don't have my tv hooked up yet.

Marching band music is not somthing you want to wake up to. I should've changed the ringtone back to normal.

"Hello?" I say grogily into the phone.

"Did I wake you up?" Spence asks.

"Nope." I lie "Whats up?"

"What are you doing today?"

Nursing my foot, sitting playing with my phone, getting more ice... "Nothing really, why?"

"I thought you might want to see something."


"Well it wouldn't be a surprise if I told you now would it?"

"How long are you making me wait?"

"Only half an hour."

"'Kay, see you."

"Wait! Can we use your car?"

"Sure. It's still at the headquarters though."

"No problem. I'll be over in a bit and we can walk there. See you."

He hangs up before I can say a word.

'Walk there' I wince at even the thought of it. Time for some Advil.

"Where are we going?"

"How many times do you have to ask me that? Just sit back and enjoy the ride."

"I can't see anything to enjoy."

"Thats the idea of a blindfold. Do you know blindfolds were thought to be a way for people in the martial arts to train to rely on senses like hearing or smelling rather than sight? That way if they ever have to fight in the dark, they'll have the advantage."

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