Putting together the final peices

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"Do you know an officer named Jessica Roberts?" Morgan asks.

JJ and I had decided that Morgan was the best choice for someone to go intimidate the doctor into telling us exactly what we need to know.

"Yeah, sure. She's a friend of mine."

"Do you usually treat friends without any records?"

Ben's face goes white "I don't know what you're talking about."

"We already know all about what you do in your spare time, there's no point in denying it."

"You have no proof."

"We're not here to prosecute you right now, we need your help."

"Why would I help you?"

"Because if you do your jailtime may be a little more enjoyable than most." Morgan tells him.

"I'm not going to jail. There's no proof of anything."

"I think you'll find that when multiple FBI agents put in their testimonies, the judge tends to rule in their favour." I point out.

"Look, I never meant to hurt anyone. I was just trying to save people."

"By using experimental drugs?" Morgan asks.

"They helped some people, they were just picky about who to save or kill."

"That's why they're called experimantal." Morgan says slowly, as if explaining a new concept to a toddler.

Ben sighs "What do you want to know?"

"What's Jessica's diagnosis?"

"It's a form of cancer, I can e-mail the exact details on her condition if you want."

"You actually have some?" I exclaim in surprise.

"Of course. I can't remember the specifics of all my cases."

"Send them to this address." Morgan orders, handing him a paper with what I assume is Garcia's address written on it.

He types almost as fast as Garcia "Done. Anything else."

Do you know either of these people?" I ask, showing him pictures of the two victims.

"Yeah..." he says slowly, hesitantly "they're two more of my ummm special cases or at least she is."

He points to Monique Samuelson.

"Would they know each other, these special cases of yours?"

"Only if they were close friends."

"Did Jessica have any other close friends?" I question.

"No. Mark and her are very private people."

"Who's Mark?" Mogan asks.

"Her boyfriend-er- well ex-boyfriend now."

"Last name?" Morgan demands.

"Black. Why? What's this about anyways?"

"You'll know when you know." I tell him, disapointed at his whole operation in general.

"Babygirl, please tell me you know where Mark Black is."

"What's the magic word?"


"Actually it was 'Please your royal wizard of all things tech' but really that's more than one word so I can't blame you for not getting it."

"Garcia, we think he might be her next target. We need to know what you do now."

"He just checked out of work."

"From where?"

"He's a CEO of this big company called Unadec industries. They have a building on the corner of 7th and Queen street. He's probably long gone by now though."

"That's all you got?" Morgan checks.


"Thanks anyways." I tell her before she hangs up.

"We should go back to Jessica's house. Look for anything that might tell us where she's holding Mark."

"Only assuming she has him by now." I point out.

"She most likely does, which doesn't give us a lot of time."

"Better get going then."

"I think I might know where she is."

I look up from my search and quickly scoot over to Morgan.


"This picture." he says, holding a framed one in his hand "The scenery looks similar to the landscape we can see in the distance from right in her backyard."

I think back and nod "Yeah, but you don't know she brought him there for sure."

"Well the whole thing is a lot more well kept than the others" he says, motioning to the other pictures that are clearly stained with water "so this location must hold some special meaning. Plus the place looks pretty deserted which would ensure that no one ran across it by mistake."

"Where is it though?"

"The chief of police probably knows the area pretty well..."

"It's worth a shot."

"That looks like the old cabin up on mills creek."

"Why would Jessica have a picture of it?"

"Well, it's a beautiful spot as it is but personally, she's gone there every year she was together with her boyfriend, why?"

"We think she may be holding him there." Morgan tells him.

"I'll get some of my guys to search it imediately."

"Wait for us though." I put in before he leaves.

"Hotch, we need everyone to meet back at the station now. We think we know where she is." Morgan says into his phone before turning back to me "They're on their way."

"I'm only 26 - I don't know anything about life yet. Life is like a puzzle and my pieces are spread all over the world."

Ville Valo

From Victim To Hero: A Criminal Minds Multi-Fandom FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now