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We all jump up at once at the sound of a cell phone ringing.

Morgan answers his.

"Babygirl, please tell me somthing good."

"What's your definition of good?"

"Garcia did you find anything?" Hotch asks, getting right to the point.

"Well, he didn't come up in any of my searches so he must have stayed off the record somehow."

"Why do I sense a 'but' after this statement?" Rossi asks.

"Ding, ding, ding! Most perceptive. The virtual cookie goes to Rossi!" she takes a quick breath "anyhow, he wasn't on our records but I found a drug offender who has DNA very similar to this."

"He must be our guy! The DNA could've been slightly currupted." Reid exclaims.

"Sorry sweety but not unless eighty year olds are a lot more mobile than I remember and this one can jump down fire escapes."

"Get to the point." Hotch says impatiently.

"Fine. Ruin my fun. He has a son who has never been arrested but has been complained about often by neighbors. He assulted his girlfriend after she broke it off with him the day before the first body turned up."

"The stressor." I mumur.

"And just because I'm the wonderful person I am, I dug a little deeper and discovered that the ex goes to... anyone have any guesses?" we wait for her to carry on "No? Okay then. She goes to Our Lady of Angels church."

"Hence the location of the dump sites." Hotch concludes himself, knowing Garcia could go on for a while if he let her.

"Where is the son?" I ask.

"I'll send the address to your phones. His name is Henry Hahn." I see JJ twitch subconciously and remember Emily telling me about JJ's son, Henry.

I wonder if you can make a connection to the UnSub through a common name. If you could then I really hoped none would have my name. I didn't need anything else to get me on Hotch's bad side. I'm actually planning for the future! There is still a small chance that I might get in.

I hop in Morgan's vehicle attomatically and Reid does the same, making the atmosphere full of tension yet again. Would I ever have a normal drive on the team?

'Not as long as Reid's here.' a little voice at the back of my mind spoke up. This is the first time it has since Alexis.

At first I had thought I was going insane but had eventually come to terms with the fact that it was just that part of me that existed for the sole reason of making me feel guilty.

It was true that I felt bad about treating Reid like this. A small part of me believed him but the rational part of me reasoned that it wasn't possible for anyone else to have done it. I still had to constantly try to keep from calling him Spence anyhow. It didn't feel natural calling him Reid, even in my head.

Speaking of my head, I shake mine as if to get the train of thought to fall out of my head.

We stop at a deserted looking house, only about twenty minutes from the main populace.

The curtains are ripped up to shreds, at least the parts of them you could see. All the windows are covered with a thick layer of grime.

"Are you sure this is the place? It doesn't look like anyone's been here for a while." I point out.

"This is it. You may be right about no one being here though. It does look deserted."

"Maybe he has a secondary location and spends most of his time there." Reid suggests.

"Thank you captain obvious." I say sarcastically.

"I'm obvious? You-"

"You do know you sound like five year olds right?" Morgan interupts.

We both glare at him.

Luckily, Reid's cell phone stops me from ripping both their heads off.

"Where are you guys?" Hotch's voice asks through the phone.

"We're here." Reid tells him.

"In the back?"

"Yeah. We ready to go in?" Morgan asks almost eagerly.

The phone goes quiet for a minute except for a few mumurs in the background "We're all here. Lets go."

I'm out of the car before you can say UnSub.

"You should stay back more since you're unarmed." Morgan advises.

I hear Reid in my head saying the same thing so I rush forwards instead.

"Erica!" Morgan hisses from behind me.

I keep going anyway. I'm just rounding the corner to the front of the house when I feel myself being pushed back by an arm.

Everything seems so fast yet so slow at the same time.

I fall backwards to see Reid is the one who pushed me and before my anger has time to peak he's on the ground too with Henry Hahn standing above him, a gun pointed at his head.

From Victim To Hero: A Criminal Minds Multi-Fandom FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now