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I look to my right to see my best friend, Alexis. It's prom night senior year. It's our last one and we had decided to go together since we didn't have dates. You only live once, right?

She had finally decided what to wear the day before. Her mothers beautiful dress that she used to wear to parties and get togethers. Her mother had passed away from cancer three years ago. The dress is priceless, not because some famous actress wore it, but because her mother did. I wish I had something that special to wear, all I had was a pale baby blue dress that I'd bought three weeks ago. It had no meaning to me and wasn't half as pretty anyways.

I feel her grab my arm "This is our last year here. After this we may completely lose contact, although I hope we won't. Anyhow, screw it, lets just have fun!"

Alexis often made up pep talks and always ended them something like this.

I smile at her "We'll stay in touch, I promise."

I only see her return smile for a few seconds before she turns towards the school, pulling me along with her into the gymnasium door.

This was going to be so much fun.

We were the last two to leave the dance since we had volunteered to help our favourite teacher clean up. The parking lot was comepletely empty since Miss Tracy didn't have a vehicle

"It's kind of spooky here at night, isn't it?" Alexis double checks.

"Yeah, it's so quiet and dark."

"The town could definately use a few more street lights, thats for sure." she agrees.

I smile, remembering the time that a drug dealer crashed their car straight through the police station because of the lack of light. With the drugs in his car. That's one way to turn yourself over.

Suddenly I hear something behind me. I spin to find the same empty street.

"Please tell me you heard that."

"The darks getting you paranoid is it?" she teases.

I give a nervous laugh "I guess so."

Then I hear it again.

This time I look towards the houses bordering the road. Nothing, nothing, a quick movement from the side of that yellow house where the crazy cat lady is known to live.

"Lex, I saw someone by Ms. Glowa's house. I swear I'm not imagining things."

Her face goes pale "I'm sorry. They told me they'd do this but I didn't believe them." her voice is hardly more than a whisper.


She doesn't answer me.

"Who?" I ask again but shake her this time for emphasis.


Thats all the info I needed.

Chantel is the big cliche popular girl. She's the biggest bully in school even though she doesn't actually lay a hand on anyone. She has her little gang of cheerleaders do it and, contrary to popular belief, those girls aren't harmless. It's not easy doing those piramaids and it builds up their muscles.

Everyone in school is smart enough not to mess with them.

Everyone except Alexis apparently.

"Hey there girls. Did you have a good time tonight?" Chantel, who had finally come out of the shadows, asks.

"Yes actually, we did." Lex feigns confidence.

"Are you two, like, dating now or something?" asks Barrette, Chantel's right hand who had also come out.

Barrette was a nickname that originated because of the big rainbow clip she always wore in her straight, golden hair.

Suddenly everything became clear. Lex had come out as a lesbian just this year and I knew the cheer gang disaproved.

"She has nothing to do with this." Lex defends, stepping between me and the two girls.

"She has everything to do with this." Chantel says slyly.

Thats when I feel the hands grab me from behind.

I should've known that they wouldn't come alone. It would be too fair a fight for them. The other eighteen members of the cheer squaud had been sneaking up behind us while we were distracted. I touch the bruise on my cheek and wince. That just rebuilds the rage I had felt when I screamed at Alexis, when I had told her I never wanted to see her again. She's been calling for the last hour but I won't even open the door. I have no other choice really. I have to scavenge enough cover-up to cover the bruises that can't be covered by clothing. If my mom saw them I'd have to tell her what happened. Then she'd go to the school and sign my sentence to a living hell for the last two weeks of school. I couldn't let that happen.

So I was up half the night trying to dry my tears and make my face look 'normal'.

I walk into school dead tired from the night before but a lot more calm. Maybe I'd even forgive Lex, just after she apologizes about a hundred times.

I walk into the classroom feeling a bit more upbeat. The only thing that threatens my spirits are the smiling, innocent faces of Chantel and her friends.

"Some say innocence is simply the mask of guilt."

Ella Seven

A/N Okay, I'm trying to come up with some quotes of my own and I'll take credit but if you have seen one on a website, somone's blog, etc. please tell me. I don't want to be taking credit for somthing that isn't mine.


From Victim To Hero: A Criminal Minds Multi-Fandom FanFicTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon