Rethinking everything

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"What do you mean 'the morgue's on fire'?" I ask.

"Exactly what I said." Hotch states.

Well how did-" I grip the door tighter to stop being tossed around "it start?"

"They didn't say but something tells me it wasn't a gas leak."

He's going a little over the speed limit, dodging cars on the way. I find the seat belt digging into my stomach despite my chokehold grip on the door.

"Remind me not to make you angry when you drive." I mumble.

Rossi gives a little chuckle but Hotch doesn't react.

I'm bucked forwards as we come to a sudden stop.

"Do you have a camara on your phone?" Hotch asks me.

"Yes, why?"

"If the unsub is an arsonist he'll want to stay and observe his work."

I pull out my phone as I open the door and start taking pictures rapidly. Once I'm sure I have everyone I join the others in front of the smoking building.

"The fire fighters managed to put it out but they couldn't save the body. Some dogs are on their way to determine if any excellerant was used." Hotch fills me in.

"There must have been some kind of DNA he didn't want us to have." Morgan says.

"Or maybe they're just following the book, vampires have to be ripped apart and burned." JJ points out.

"What if it's both?" everyone turns to look at me "I mean, let's say the UnSub knew there was a chance of evidence being left behind and then picked Twilight just to fit the bill and throw us off track."

"If that were the case the UnSub would have to be smart, maybe even have some kind of law enforcement background to know exactly how to pull this fire off." Rossi reasons.

"Spence, can you get Garcia on the line?" I ask.

"Sure. I'll put it on speaker."

"What's up sweetcheeks?"

"Still have that list?" I ask.

"You betcha!"

"How many of them involve someone in law enforcement?"

"Males or females?"

"Just try both."

"Let's see..." I hear her typing rapidly on her keyboard "That narrows it down to five."

"Which ones fit the profile?"

"All of them." she says somewhat regretfully.

"Okay..." I'm at a loss for a moment but quickly recover "I'll send you some pictures I took outside the morgue. Find out if any of the five are in them."

"I'll call you as soon as I'm done. Garcia out!"

I hold my phone out to Spence "Can you enter her number please?"

He quickly does and hands it back to me. I put the phone back into my pocket once I send the pictures and look up to find the others all looking at me.

"I guess we should ummm... go interview whoever was at the morgue." I say nervously.

Hotch nods "You and Morgan can do that."

As we walk out Morgan whispers "You know why we were staring at you, right?"

"Why?" I ask, following Sencer's advice by talking to him.

From Victim To Hero: A Criminal Minds Multi-Fandom FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now