The team

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On the drive to Quantico the next day I let my mind wander to the phone call I'd made to Emily Prentiss the day before.

"I have to prove myself in just two weeks!" I almost sqeaked out.

It had seemed like a gift when Hotch had first told me but now, almost two hours later, I was more on edge than ever.

"Don't worry, You'll do great!" Emily assures me.

"Thanks. Hotch sends his regards by the way" I tell her, making sure to word it the exact way he had.

She laughs "That sounds like Hotch."

"Thanks for telling me about Todd. I used that to gain the trial period." She had told me about Jordan to help calm my nerves but it turns out that was the thing that turned Hotch. I wonder if he knew she'd told me. He probably did. That must have been the reason he'd mentioned her in the first place.

"No problem."

"Don't you ever miss it?" I blurt out before I can stop myself.

There's only silence emenating from the other side and I wonder if I've said the wrong thing but just as I'm about to tell her to forget about it, she answers.

"I do. A little. Some people just aren't meant for the job though."

"But you did so much good while you were in the BAU, solved so many cases!"

"It got tiring after a while. I'm still helping people and enforcing the law but now, well, I don't know how to explain it. Just know that it's the people I miss, not the job."

The rest of the conversation was just random stuff. I had felt like telling her I'd say hi to the others for her but I knew she talked to them on the phone just as often as she did with me, which unfortunetly was only once a month. Usually. She'd made an exeption this month to give me advise on how to convince Hotch to give me a chance. That had been the third call this week. Normally though, like I said, it was only once a month. Calling London wasn't cheap after all! Besides, she was pretty busy with her job. She had been the first person offered the position after the murder of Blake but she turned it down AND recomended me for the job. It was all her doing that I had even thought of it. If I did manage to earn a spot on the team, I'd have to think of something to show her how grateful I was. Even if I didn't get it I'd have to thank her for the vote of confidence at the very least.

I was arriving at my destination by this time and all my nerves were on end. I walk to the conference room, remembering where it was from a tour my class had gone on only a few months before our graduation.

Inside were a few familiar faces the most was the face of the tall male with brown, semi-long, hair and eyes. Everyone looked at me curiously but him. He just looked confused. He recognised me and was puzzled as to what I was doing here. He didn't approach my position though(by the door, as far from them as possible) so I didn't make an effort either. 'Let him wonder' I think with a mental smirk.

Hotch shows up within a minute of my arrival and motions for me to join them at the circular table.

As I sit down, the blonde who I met yesterday gives me a reassuring smile.

"Where's Morgan?" Hotch asks the team.

"I'm not sure" says the blonde.

Hotch looks towards the confused one and then to the oldest of the team,who I already know to be the famous David Rossi. Each one shakes their head as his eyes fall on them. He picks up his phone and hits only a few buttons to phone someone. They must be on his speed dial.

From Victim To Hero: A Criminal Minds Multi-Fandom FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now