The profile

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"We believe the UnSub is in his early twenties to late thirties..." Hotch starts.

"Because he's way too controlled to be a teenager but still has to be pretty fit to overtake these victims." Spence explains to me quickly and quietly.

"We think he has a criminal record..." Morgan continues.

"The anger shown in the mutilation of the second body doesn't just spring up" Spence whispers rapidly.

"Probably something involving two guys fighting over a girl"

"The male victim's killing was more brutal, showing signs of resentment."

"We would like this to stay within this station so as not to create mass hysteria, we don't want everyone blocking up the lines with complaints about their grumpy neighbor." Morgan finishes.

"Any questions?" Hotch asks.

No one moves.

"Good. Now try to keep the search quiet, we don't want him going into hiding either."

As we walk out of the station we're bombarded with questions.

"Is it true that the recent murder is the second of it's kind?"

"Does that mean that there's a serial killer on the loose?"

"What are you doing to catch the person responsible?"

We walk through the reporter leeches, 'saying no comment' here and there.

"What's his name?" I ask Hotch as I follow him and Rossi into the SUV.

He instantly knows what I mean "The victims name was Victor Krause."

A face pops into my head; Hazel eyes, sandy-blonde hair, high cheek bones.

"The first victims boyfriend." I mumble.

"What Hotch asks, not quite catching my words.

"The first victims boyfriend." I say louder.

"Wasn't he the last person you and JJ spoke to?" he asks.

"I spoke to."

"Come again?"

"JJ had just gotten a call from a friend- someone who saw the note on the news I'm guessing because she said it was about-"

"Calm down and get to the point." Hotch orders.

"She was gone so I went to talk to him myself."

"Did he seem upset? Paranoid?" Roddi asks.

"Of course he was upset, his girlfriend just died!" I compose my self "No, he had no idea what was going to happen."

"You're sure?" Rossi checks.

"Positive." I assure him firmly.

A phone rings and Hotch answers it.

"Hotchner." he says "What?.....On my way."

I grab onto the door as we do a sudden U-turn.

"What's going on?" Rossi asks before I can.

"The morgue's on fire."

"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire."

William Butler Yeats

From Victim To Hero: A Criminal Minds Multi-Fandom FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now