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"Why don't they just close this part of town off if this is where he's dumping them?" I ask as we arrive at our destination.

"It wouldn't stop him. It'd just make him angry and he would be likely to lash out more violently than usual." Reid tells me.

"But wouldn't that mean he could make a mistake that would help you catch him?"

"We don't enjoy having any more people hurt than we can help." Morgan says icilly.

I narrow my eyes at his back as he walks away "What's up with him?"

"He's upset that you don't remember him. For a while after your case you were all he'd talk about. You guys seemed to get along right away, like something just clicked." Reid explains.

"Clicked into friendship?"

"Of course. What did you think I meant?"

"Nothing." I smile to myself at his naivety.

We'd been busy right into the night and had nothing to show for it but the fact that my 'theory' was correct. It had taken some proding but I'd managed to get the newest victims family, the Petersons to admit their daughters sexuality. When they did I had made a point of shooting Morgan a dirty look(I'd narrowly resisted the urge to do the same for Hotch).

Now we(Morgan, Reid, and I) were on our way to the nearest hotel to get a couple hours of rest before continuing. JJ had already had her rest and Hotch refused to stop even for a second. That's one thing I have to admit to admiring and liking. His determination. How I know he would never stop looking for someone, even if the police think they've already caught the guy. 'Or girl' I remind myself. Eveyone always calls the UnSub a 'he' but really, how are we suposed to know until we catch him/her? I shake my head, why do I always overthink things?

My eyes, which had closed open as Morgan's voice startles me "Talk to me Sherlock or I may just fall asleep." 

"Is that the best nickname you could come up with?" I say to get the conversation going.

He laughs "I could think of better if I wanted to but I'm trying to be nice and quit while I'm ahead."

"So I should be thankful?"

"Definately." his eyes go to the mirror in between us momentarily "He's so cute when he's asleep. Mostly because he's quiet."

"Hey! I like his facts, even if they do scare me a little." I defend, making Morgan chuckle.

'Reid does look cute in general though' I can't help thinking.

"Here we are." Morgan announces "The grand Foothill hotel."

"Is it actually called that?"

"Yeah but I am seriously too tired to care."

"You can say that again."

"Well, if you really want me to-" he cuts off as I hit him on the back of the head.

Hard. Which I doubt is that hard with how tired I am.

I get out of the vehicle slowly, drowsily. Morgan walks to the entrance and goes in without hesitation.

I look between the building and Reid. After a small mental debate, I decide to go back and wake him up.

"Reid." I say softly.

No reaction.

"Reid." I say a little louder.

Not even a twitch.


I add a shake of his shoulder.

He sits up fast and starts reaching for his gun but I grab his hand first.

"It's just me."

"You should be very careful when waking up a FBI agent. Or anyone in law enforcement for that matter."

"Good advice Spence." I smile and then realise what I said "I mean Reid."

"It's fine. You can call me by my first name."

"Okay. I honestly don't know why I called you Spence though. I mean, I only heard you being called Spencer."

"JJ calls me Spence all the time. Maybe you heard her say it a long time ago."

"Huh. Does that mean I might remember the the stuff from the from when I first met you guys too?"

"I don't know. The mind is a complicated thing."

I lean into the door to open it before seeing the 'pull' sign. I blame my exhaustion.

When we arrive inside the lady tells us to go right up to room number fourteen. Aparently, Morgan already set it up. The innkeeper tells us that some of the rooms here are like flats and fourteen is one of them. We'll each have a separate room within that room. Why wouldn't they just have three separate rooms. I stop myself before I can further this train of thought.

It doesn't take long at all to get into bed, mainly because all three of us are sleeping in our clothes so that we can be ready to go when we wake up. I'm just closing my heavy eyelids when I hear it.

The clicking sound of a gun cocking.

"Sometimes I do get to places just when God's ready to have somebody click the shutter."
Ansel Adams

From Victim To Hero: A Criminal Minds Multi-Fandom FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now