A shoulder to cry on

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"So then the teachers walked in and gave us the news that Alexis had commited suicide. That's how I got kicked out of school two weeks before grad. The cheerleaders were acting like she had been their best friend and I just lost it." I had overcome my rage halfway through the story and now I felt like adding 'The end!' to make it seem upbeat but I know Spence won't be fooled so I don't even try.

"I'm sorry" Spence tells me, patting my shoulder awkwardly.

Usually I would tell someone it was a long time ago or simply just to piss off, but I could tell he meant it.

"Thanks." I'm going to stop but the words just jump out anyways "I just keep thinking that maybe, if I had picked up the stupid phone-" my voice cracks as I break into a sob.

He puts his whole arm around me now and I lean into his shoulder.

After a while I'm able to compose myself and start becoming the glass-half-full kind of person that I'm known to be.

"Sorry about that."

"It's fine."

"I probably ruined your coat."

"Most likely."

"Your okay with that?"

"What are friends for if not a shoulder to cry on?"

I smile weakly.

"Now get some sleep." he orders.

"You know, the weird thing is, I think I can now."

"That's because there's this chemical released in your brain when you talk about personal things that makes you feel better. It also-"

I put my hand over his mouth "Quit while your ahead. While I still can sleep with no nightmares."

"It wasn't bad!" he objects.

"Maybe to you."

I roll over before he can reply, I always have enjoyed getting in the last word.

I open my eyes to find Spence still beside me. He's sitting on a chair with his head laying on the bed next to me, fast alseep.

I look at the clock and then shake him gently "Spence, we should be getting to the station."

He doesn't even twitch. He must have stayed up thinking about the case after I'd fallen alseep.

I decide to let him sleep, carefully getting out of the bed on the side opposite to him.

I look back one last time to see if he's going to wake up. He doesn't so I write him a quick note telling him where I'm going so he won't be worried.

I think about using the SUV but after a mental debate decide it'd be better to just walk.

"Erica, can I have a word?" Hotch asks me when I join in the discussion.

The others are silent for a moment but Morgan(of all people) brings them back on track.

I follow Hotch into the interegation room. He closes the door behind us.

This doesn't look good.

"I think you're too emotional about this case. You should go home."

"I'm just as objective as everyone else!"

"I know about Alexis."

My mouth drops open slightly and my voice lowers "How?"

"That's not important."

"You can't do this!" I know I'm whining but I can't just accept this!

"I just did." he turns towards the door and says without turning around "Your plane ticket is at the front desk."

I run and block his path "You said two weeks. Just let me finish the two weeks."

I look straight into his eyes for the first time. He stares back.

"Please." I finally beg.

"Fine but when the two weeks are past, you will leave. Even if we are in the middle of a case. Understood?"

"Yes." I say in a quiet voice once again.

I step out of the way and motion for him to go ahead.

Once he's out I walk over to the chair in the middle and calapse. So much for getting in.

"Good reputations can take years to earn, but only seconds to destroy."
Ella Seven

Since today is my one year mark on Wattpad I've decided to post two chapters today instead of one now and one next week. So much for being ahead of my schedual! Oh well.

From Victim To Hero: A Criminal Minds Multi-Fandom FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now