Tour of the town

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The first thing I do walking into my apartment is stub my toe. I fall down on the soft couch that is luckily positioned just to my right, resisting the urge to yell out a cuss word. It was this stupid thing between Alexis and I, we would never swear. Now that she was gone I held onto it as the last peice of her I had.

It was so tempting at times though, like now for instance. I swear I fractured a toe.

I shouldn't have put off unpacking my stuff earlier. Of course that box is the only thing that I didn't pack. I groan quietly to myself and walk hesitantly to my bedroom, my toe killing me every step of the way.

Finally I get to the bed, my own little safe haven. The covers seem softer than usual as I realise, as Dorothy had, that there is no place like home. Even if I did only move in this week.

My eyes snap open to the ringing of my cell phone. I quickly pick it up, almost dropping it in the process.


"Hey Sherlock, I'm on my way to your place so you better be awake."

"Morgan it's only" I look to the clock to see it reads ten fourty-five am "Nevermind just-"

"Call me Derek at least!"

"Calling you Morgan is so much more fun though!" I feign a whine.

I can almost feel his smile from across the phone line "Just be ready in ten."

He hangs up before I can argue, leaving me stumbling around the trying to get ready without applying too much pressure to my toe. Yep it's official, I have a fractured toe. I know it's not broken because I've done that before too. I'm more accident prone than Bella Swan, and thats saying somthing!

Only five minutes later I hear a knock at the door, one of those fancy knocks with a pattern that gets stuck in your head for hours. Morgan.

"That was not ten minutes!" I complain as I open the door.

"Skipping the 'Hello, nice to see you' part of the conversation are we?"

"You sound like someone on tv." I grumble.

"Sombody's grumpy today!" he says so cheerfully I want to smack that grin right off his face "Hey, whats this?" he starts digging in the unpacked box.

"That" I say while pulling it away from him "is a box of my personal.possesions which you will leave alone."

I direct him roughly to the couch "Stay."

"Yes master." he mock bows.

It only takes me five extra minutes to be ready. I'm pretty proud of how fast I can get ready somtimes, it's not the fastest thing to do your hair. Morgan's face tells me he isn't impressed though.

"Took you long enough."

"I went as fast as I could!"

"Sure you did."

"Don't antagonize me, you know I'll slap you."

"That was a slap? I always thought you were trying to tickle me!"

I stay silent so as not to encourage him.

"Anyways, we are going out for a day on the town. I heard you just moved here."

"To tell you the truth, I don't know where anything is except the headquarters and my apartment."

"Good. So everything will be a surprise."

"I don't like that smirk, what are you up to?"

"You'll see."

"I don't like surprises."

From Victim To Hero: A Criminal Minds Multi-Fandom FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now