20. House of Dicks - Literally

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I spun around screaming her name over and over. I kicked every stall open, even checked underneath the sink and behind the door; nothing.

I faintly heard the guys screaming, Caleb with silent tears.

I stopped pacing and took a deep breath, "this doesn't make sense. She walked in first, and there are no windows. If she walked out, I would have seen her. I don't understand how she could just disappear!"

I look at Caleb, his eyes blood red, hands white and shaking from being clenched so tight.

"We'll find her Caleb, I promise." I felt fire start to grow, spreading from the tips of my fingers up my forearm, and then, nothing.

It wasn't like I fainted, or fell asleep. More like someone turned out the lights.

"You know, that wasn't very nice," I sang to no one.

It was still pitch black, and I felt as if I was not alone. I started snapping my fingers, trying to produce fire, light.


For the hell of it, I tried ice, then wind, and earth. Yet still, nothing.

Frustrated I sat on the floor. It was hard and cold and my ass numbed not long after.

After what felt like hours, a small light could be seen. It was very faint, and looked as if it was miles away, but it was there.

I decided to get up and follow the light, what's there to lose?

As I was getting closer, the light grew stronger, but it also seemed to have grown wings. Not literally. But just as I would get closer, it would move back, as if it was leading me somewhere.

This reminds me when Nemo and Dory were following the light in the ocean and it ended up being from a really big and ugly fish.

"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming," I kept singing, while skipping, following the light.

Wow, I feel stupid.

Finally the light stopped and grew big; it kept on getting bigger until it blinded me.

"Ah, turn off the dam light!" I yelled, while covering my eyes.

A chuckle responded. It was deep, sickening, and just plain creepy.

"Are you going to comply, or just laugh at me?" I asked, "Because frankly I don't have the time, I have to find my best friend, save the dam world from idiots, pick up the grocery's and still be home for dinner. So would yah mind hurrying up the threat?"

Yet again, the only response was laughter, great; though he did tone down the light.

Then he spoke, his voice was gravely, and sounded as if knives were being drawn against metal.

"She's not here you know," he sang back.

"Well then, why don't you be so kind to get me the hell out?" I screamed the last part.

"It won't be so easy; you do want to save your friend don't you? As well as Emery and everyone else, am I correct?"

"Obviously you are, but wait, who are you?"

"That is not of necessary importance at the moment. However, the wails of your friend are starting to aggravate me, I shall see you soon."

"Wait! You said she wasn't here! Get back here you inconsiderate imbecile!" I yell, trying to grasp the fading light.

Once again I was engulfed in darkness.

What the hell was the point of that!

Slowly but surly, the background was beginning to fade. But apparently, my mind had other plans other then 'waking up'.

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