Chapter 5

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Miracle POV

"I can't believe we did that"

I shook my head as Faith and Test laughed like hyenas. I didn't think last night was a bit of funny. I still can't believe that fool would try me. My gang's flag is white, and it sure as hell don't mean surrender. Who the hell did he think he was? I built my name from the ground up, then some fool from Fuck Nigga Town comes and disrespects me.

"Yo Mi, you okay?" I looked to see eyes full of concern from Faith as I sighed and sat back in the chair as the umbrella attached on the table, blocking the sun. I was thankful for that; I was black enough.

"I'm good" I semi-lied through my teeth. I was upset. No one ever tried my shit like that. And he had the nerve to be the first.

"Come on Miracle, we body niggas everyday, last night was..." Test trailed off. She started staring into space, having Faith clap her hands in Test' face.

"Huh?" She looked down at her watch before bolting up from her seat. "Oh shit look at the time, I gotta go" she said before leaving. I scrunched my face up in confusion. Where she had to be at 11 in the morning?

"Um, the fuck?" Faith said as she chuckled. I wondered why she just ducked us. Damn.

"So how's mom#2?" Faith asked fixing her skirt under the seat. I took a sip from my mango lemonade as I nodded. I observed how Faith would call my mom her mom#2. It wasn't weird to me, but it was unexpected. Usually, you would hear about half related kids beefing with eachother or their parents not liking one another, but our situation was completely opposite.

Even though my father was a hoe, it seemed like he only had a thing for classy broads. I never heard of him having a ghetto baby momma. But all that didn't matter, I only made sure my mother had it good. I bought her a house, car, and whole new wardrobe. I appreciate my mother for putting up with me, and with no help.

"She's good, what about yours?" I asked putting my drink down. She smiled and nodded, indicating her mother was okay. I didn't know much about her mother, but I did know her mother's health ain't all that great. And the fact our father left her with a baby, didn't make anything better. Faith would spend a lot of time at my house because her mother was in the hospital. The minute we first got paid off a hit, we put our money together and paid her mother's bills.

"That's good" I smiled and adjusted myself in my seat. She smiled back as we continued to talk about our mothers and random topics.

King POV

We all pulled up to my house at 12 in the afternoon. After having to sleep, tied up, in a club, my body hurts. It hurt just to drive here from the place. Surprisingly, no one took my car, or atleast put sugar in the tank. I was grateful for that, but still a little pissed the night was ruined over VIP.

"I just wanna go back to sleep" Bullet basically whined as we all got out. I was lucky. I ain't see Lauren's car, praise God. I was in so much pain, I think I would of killed her if I had to hear her shit.

"Why y'all so down? Live it up!" Tempz semi yelled as we got in the house, having his voice boom through the place. I groaned as I held my head in pain.

"Nigga shut up!" Bullet said pushing Tempz out the way. "Why you so fucking happy? Making me sick" He said bitterly as he went and laid on the couch. Tempz just smirked and shrugged his shoulders.

"Nigga you weird" Bullet said snuggling in his pillow as he fell asleep on the couch. I rolled my eyes, can't this mofo go the fuck home?

"Well nigga I'm out" I scrunched my face up in confusion. How this nigga so giddy and we was tied up for a night? His name ain't Temper for fuckin nothing. This nigga has the worst temper you'll ever see. He rampage through the city if you don't force his meds down his throat. He tried to stomp a puppy when it peed on his Gamma Blue's. He heartless.

"Where you going?" I asked curiously. Even though I was head, Tempz was like a brother to me. If something going wrong, I feel he needs to tell me. He shrugged and left but not before saying 'home'. I rolled my eyes and watched him leave as he took one of my cars.

Your house around the corner, the fuck you need a car for?

I scrunched my face up. I sound like Lauren right now. I groaned as I slowly went upstairs, feeling a sharp of pain each step.

Once I made it to my bed, I was relieved. It felt like a mile walk down the hall. I didn't even take any of my clothes off. I just needed some sleep. As I was about to drift to sleep, my mind wander to that girl from the club. Even though the gun was my face, she looked sexy as fuck posted like that. I ain't never seen a female with such nigga like mentality. Lauren nags me about my lifestyle, but it's the only life a nigga knows.

Tempz POV

I pulled up to the condo and hopped out the car. I know them niggas would be at my throat if they knew that I wasn't tied up for even an hour, but got a full night worth of sleep. I'm not even tired or in a fit of pain. Last night was something different. I couldn't explain it, but damn! I never met a girl who could put ya boy to sleep.

She wasn't even loose, she was tight as fuck! It's like I can still feel her pussy on my dick. I learned back at the club her name was Testimony. It was different, but who am I to judge? My name is fucking Temper. Like fr fr , that's my actual name. Temper Lamar Jones.

They say I got my name cause when the doctor slapped me, I slapped his ass right back. I ain't believe it till I saw the video. I was a violent little nigga. Everything and everyone would make me mad as shit. If a nigga even looked at me the wrong way, I'd fight his ass. I got kicked out of school a lot for my anger issues, but in the gang, it's my specialty.

I ain't gone lie, I was ready to kill Test when I was her come back. I never knew what she came back for, but it had better been important. I would of killed her ass if she wasn't so damn cute. If she was a thot, I'd be burying a body right now.

Imma be real. I ain't want no relationship when I got here. My last relationship back home went dirty. She tried to sell the gang out to some nigga we was beefing with. Then have the nerve to smile in my face. I put that bitch in a box along with her bitch ass daddy when he tried to body me over his hoe ass daughter. Bet y'all wasn't expecting that shit.

I got in the house and looked around. I wasn't tired but all my niggas was sleep. I ain't know this place too well so I couldn't go out. I just plopped on the couch as I reminisced about last night. I looked around to see if I was alone before I got comfortable in my seat and unzipped my pants.

I started to pump my dick as I thought about Test.

The way her curves were in all the right places...

The way she would hit high notes when I reached her spot...

The way her lips felt against mines...

The way her pussy felt sliding up and down on my...

"Fuck!" I growled as I felt myself ejaculate. Damn bruh. This girl got my head gone for sure.


-What y'all think?

-Miracle&Faith's father?

-Kings thoughts on Miracle?

-Where's Lauren?

-Bullet cranky as fuck lol


-Who y'all think gone be your favorite couple?

-Leave some comments for me 😜


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