Chapter 12

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King POV

Last night at Parla Dior was poppin! We were basically the only black people in the place for one. Then, the menu was in only French so we had to take a chance with the food. I ended having some baked chicken, a salad, and some slimy shit. It was good till I found out it was snails. I almost threw up. But eventually we all got kicked out cause Tempz went off on a waiter who was flirting with Test. That shit was mad funny.

After we left, Olivia left to go back home. I don't know why, but I couldn't shake the feeling that she looked mad familiar. I know for a fact I never fucked her so I didn't know where I seen her from. I ignored it cause I was basically trying to remember someone I never met. Anyways back to last night.

After we left the restaurant, we all went our separate ways. I ain't know what Bullet and Tempz went with Faith and Test but I went to my momma place to eat. Miracle already knew my moms, so it was pretty chill. We was still hungry since the French believe in serving fucking leftovers. Tried to charge $176.83 for some scraps. Me and Tempz was bouta blow the place up. We was jacking shit up. Lmao.

We ate some collard greens, black eye peas, cornbread, ham, salmon patties, and some grilled shrimp. We ate like African kings that night. Me and Miracle took home like 3 plates. Momma seemed to like her. Believe it or not, but Miracle the only girl I ever bought home to momma. And she the only momma ever liked. That shit amazed me, considering Miracle's line of work.

But afterwards, I dropped Miracle off at home. I was actually thinking of taking her on a real date till I saw that immigrant motherfucker in her house. I still don't like that nigga. Gone cuss infront of my son. That shit was mad disrespectful! Everytime I think about it, I get mad. I feel like beating his ass for showing out infront of my son. Like its okay to say that shit.

Now I'm at home watching Spongebob with KJ. Lately, I've been spending a lot of time with my jit. Shit, Lauren's ass is barely ever home. I tried to reach her cell but she ain't picking up. Ain't this about a bitch. Over the course of a week, KJ been spending time at either my momma house or with Miracle. This shit getting ridiculous. One time while I was picking up Kj from Miracle, he started crying, saying he ain't wanna leave 'mommy'. Wait till I mention this to Lauren. She stay talking about me and my hoes, but you ain't never hear to take care of your son.

"Wassup?" She said coming through the door. I looked up with eyes full of venom. I don't care where this bitch goes and why she out there, it stops today.

"Lemme talk to you real quick" I sat Kj on the couch while I got up and walked towards the kitchen.

"What's wrong?" She said completely uninterested. I chuckled before shooting her a death glare.

"Where you been?" I said lowly so my son wouldn't hear me. She smacked her teeth as she folded her arms.

"I don't need to explain myself to you" She said with an attitude.

"When you got a child who sits and wonders where his mom is yes the fuck you do!" I whisper yelled. She rolled her eyes and put one hand on her hip.

"Look, I was out at work" I looked her up and down. She had on a blue sweat suit with all white Nikes. Who the fuck works like that?

"Lie again" I warned walking closer to her. She chuckled before throwing her purse over her shoulder.

"I'll be back" She said before walking out the room. I followed her out ready to hurt this bitch feelings.

"Daddy when will we visit mommy?" I heard my son ask. I was ready to blast on this woman until she froze at his words. She slowly turned around to face Kj.

"Mommy's right here baby" She said softly. I looked back between the both of them.

"Yeah, but I mean my other mommy" He said smiling. I shook my head at Lauren's expression. She looked shocked.

"Who's your other mother?" She said in a sinister tone towards my son. I grabbed her arm tightly causing her to wince in pain.

"Watch your tone with my son" I warned. She looked scared but tried to hide it. She snatched away and looked at KJ waiting for an answer.

"Miss Miracle" He said in a cheerful voice. I smiled as he giggled. Probably thinking of Miracle. Shit I was slick thinking bout her myself.

"Who the fuck is Miracle?!" Lauren yelled at me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"My other mommy wasn't you listening?" KJ asked. She started turning red.

"Don't you ever say that Kj!" She yelled at him. His lip began to quiver as tears began to run down his cheek. I could feel my anger boiling. I grabbed Lauren by her arm and basically dragged her outside. She let out a loud yelp as I threw her off the porch. She almost lost her balance but didn't fall.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! You leave all fucking day and night then come home and make my son cry?!"

"He's my son too!" She yelled with uneven breathing. I knew she had issues but this the last straw.

"Where the fuck was you when he had his first haircut?! Where was you when he cried for his momma at night?! Where was you when he rode in the front seat for the first time?! Nowhere! But guess who was there...Miracle! No I ain't fucking her no I ain't dating her. It's funny how she don't owe me shit, but still offers to watch KJ for free while his mother out doing whatever hoes do!"

She looked at me with angry eyes filled with tears. After pulling her hair to the side, she got herself together.

"This ain't over King, imma find this Miracle bitch" She said before walking towards her broke down cadillac. She flicked me off before backing out and zooming down the street.

I rubbed my hand down my face as I let out a huff of air. I need to call Miracle.


-Just a little filler

-How y'all feel?

-Lauren's gone?

-Where y'all think she was?

-KJ think Miracle his momma?


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