Chapter 22

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Miracle POV





I slowly opened my eyes, only to shut them closed again. The bright light in the room got to my head. I groaned as I tried to move around, failing miserably.

"Take it easy honey" Said a woman in navy blue scrubs with a Red Cross on the collar. She about 5'8, white, blonde hair, green eyes, and blotchy red skin. She looked to be mid-aged.

"Where am I?" I said looking around. I looked down and saw I was in the hospital bed. I groaned as my head throbbed against my skull.

"Do you remember anything that happened?" The nurse asked me. Memories of last night began overflowing in my mind. As it flowed, my anger grew.

"Yea.." I said almost at a growl. That bitch better watch her back. I don't do too well with getting shot by jealous exes.

"Well, you and your husband, ummm" I scrunched my face up. I don't know if it's the headache, but I could of swore she said husband. She picked up her clip board and flipped a paper over.

"You and your husband King Mowry, were shot in your home. The bullet you endured only gazed your cheek and you lost only a small amount of blood, thank God" She joked causing me to fake chuckle with her. I didn't care about my injuries. I was worried about King and Kj.

"What about King and Kj?" I asked as I sat up ready for her answer. She looked a little unsure. She grabbed her clipboard again.

"Well, King had two bullet wounds in his thigh and lost a quite amount of blood, but for his sake, we managed to find his blood type" She said smiling. I raised my eyebrows as I motioned for her to continue.

"What about Kj?" I asked as the pain in my head began to go away. I rubbed my face, running my fingers across the large bandage on the left side of my cheek.

"I'm sorry ma'am, but when the police arrived to the scene, they only found you two" My heart began to beat faster and my anger boiled. This bitch took Kj?!

"Umm, alright, can I talk to my husband?" I said as I slowly got out the bed. She nodded as she helped me. As I finally made it to the ground, I heard a rumble of multiple footsteps. I rolled my eyes.

"MIRACLE!" Test, Tempz, Faith, and Bullet all bust in the door like the black folks they are. I laughed as Test tackled me back on the bed with a big hug. Faith jumped on top of us as we all laughed.

"Women" I heard Bullet mumble. Test and Faith got off of me as I sat up.

"Hey y'all, where's King?" I asked as I got back on my feet.

"You mean your husband?" Tempz said smirking. I glared at him causing him to chuckle.

"You can thank me later, anyways, he's jist next door" He said nonchalantly. I nodded as I walked out of the room.

"We need to leave now" I said as I opened the door to his room. He looked at me crazy, maybe because I just burst in here.

"Miracle what's wrong?" Faith said. I turned to King.

"She has KJ King" His whole facial expression changed. It almost as if he turned into a whole different person. It scared me a little.

"Let's go" He said as he tried to get out of his hospital bed. The first time he moved, he let out a ear piercing scream.

"Bruh, you can't do shit" Tempz said trying to keep him in the bed.

"Fuck no nigga! That's my fuckin' son she got! Let me go bruh!" He said struggling as Tempz and Bullet tried to hold him down.

"Get the fuck off!" He screamed as his voice cracked. I pushed the niggas off him as King began to break down.

"That's my boy" He sobbed as tears began to run down his cheek. I wrapped my arms around his torso, making sure I didn't hurt him.

"That's our boy" I whispered as he continued to cry. I kissed his cheek as he began to calm down.

"Y'all gotta find him" He said pulling away from the hug. I nodded along with everyone else.

"I don't care if y'all gotta kill the whole damn east side, just find my son" He said in a demanding tone. I wasn't use to taking orders from anyone, but in this case, I was more than gladly to.

Lauren POV

Uh oh! My first POV! Haaaaann!

Anyways, y'all probably think I'm a crazy bitch, well I don't give a fuck. Miracle should of never touched my man. Let along my son.

That's my boy. I laid up for him, not her. That's my creation, not hers. She shoulda just stayed away from me and mines, but bitches have to learn the hard way.

"Will you hurry up? Drive this piece of shit faster!" He yelled as he slammed his fist down on the dashboard. I jumped a little as it made a loud boom sound.

"Yes daddy" I said as I pressed on the acceleration harder.

"The quicker the fuckin' better" He said propping his elbow on the window, holding his head.

"I'm too old for this shit" He mumbled as I chuckled. He was right. From what I heard, he use to be a corner boy, selling dope, just to make it by. I even heard he had kids, but don't nobody know who they are.

"So what's the plan after this?" I said as I pulled up to the trap. He smirked.

"The kids gonna attract King, which gonna attract Temper, then we kill all them fuckers for killing my daughter!" He said darkly as he got out the car. I smirked as I thought about Miracle's head on my mantel. That bitch ain't gone know what hit her.

-I'm on a roll!

-2 updates in 1 day TURN UP!

-Lauren got KJ!

-Who y'all think it is?


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