Chapter 9

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Tempz POV

I walked outside, hearing her footsteps behind me. We both stopped infront of the garage. I had to look around to make sure no one was around. I didn't want no one to know about what happened and I know she didn't either. Don't get me wrong, it was good and all, but I still got a reputation to build and I don't need no boost or advantage. Plus, I'm not known here, well not like her. It wouldn't be 'oh you're Tempz's girl', i'd be Test's boy toy.

"So wassup?" She said nonchalantly looking away. I sighed before beginning to talk.

"So about the club-" She cut me off with a wave of her hand. She shifted her weight to the left side, taking a deep breathe.

"What about it?" She said as if I wasn't about to get to that. I slightly rolled my eyes as I continued.

"Ever since, I been a little off my game lately" I said nervously. I never met a girl like Test before. Usually, when I fuck, bitches be lining up at my door, blowing up my phone, the whole nine! She ain't even looked in my direction let along speak a word. I'd usually be glad as fuck that bitches just move on, but I ain't want her to.

"What's wrong then?" She asked with a mixture of concern and annoyance. I was happy she was concerned for me, but I was a little taken back that she was annoyed. I know bitches down here ain't like that, since the plane touched down, I collected 13 numbers and only fucked 3 bitches. Not including Test.

"I ain't been able to focus" I said honestly. She nodded her head as she looked away. I nervously waited as she began to speak.

"I really haven't been able to focus either" She said. I looked in her eyes and only saw honestly. I got a warm fuzzy feeling inside. What is this?

"Oh" I said as an awkward silence fell upon us. We stayed quiet for about 3 minutes until she finally spoke up.

"I guess I better go back inside" She said as she began to walk back inside. I stopped her by grabbing her wrist. She looked at me with those big hazel eyes.

"Would you like to go...out...tonight?" Damn. I haven't been this nervous since, fucking ever! That warm fuzzy feeling came back as I saw a smile forming on her lips.

"I'd like that" She said walking back into the trap. As soon as she left, I started cheesing like a mug!

Bullet POV

I watched as she continued to sleep. We both fell asleep a little over an hour ago, but I woke up first. I wanted to get up, but I was too scared I might wake her. Plus, I slick liked this position. I had my arm wrapped around her waist as she laid on my chest. I had to admit, shawty was cute when she slept. I felt her stir a little in her sleep. She wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled me closer, like I was a teddy bear. I chuckled as I lightly started to shake her.

"Aye Faith" I said as I shook her. She opened her eyes a little and moaned. Not like a sleepy moan, but a sexually moan. I ain't gone lie, that turned me on a little, but it wasn't nothing serious.

"What?" She asked groggily.

"We gotta go back" I said. I knew by now, Miracle was probably thinking I was raping her sister. I know how bitches be when it come to they sisters. She sat up and looked around.

"Where's my phone?" She asked slowly getting up. She looked a little stiff, considering her shoulder is bandaged up. She looked around till she spotted her iPhone 5s on the nightstand. She played with it for a few minutes before putting it down and jumping back in bed.

"She said I can stay" She said lowly. I scrunched my face up. She sounded like a little kid just now. Like she need Miracle permission to do anything. But that's none of my business.

"Alright then" I got up and went to the bathroom. After I was done with my business, I washed up a little. I didn't know how to feel about Faith staying over, but I guess it'll be fun.

"Yo Bull!" I heard her call from the bedroom. I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Who the fuck is Bull?! My name is Bullet. That's Bull like the animal then et like EBT just without the B" I yelled back in a ghetto ratchet voice. I chuckled as I heard her laughter getting closer. Soon, her head popped in the door.

"Damn, I could of been shitting ma" I said drying my face. She chuckled as she fully walked into the room. I must say, shawty sexy as fuck. She had on a pair of my boxers and one of my tee shirts. It fit like a dress on her though.

"But you not" She said in a giggly voice. It was cute. I scoffed playfully.

"You lucky I'm not, you'd be dead girl" I said causing her to laugh. She had a sexy laugh bruh.

"Whatever nigga" She said nonchalantly, walking out the bathroom. I caught a little stare on her ass while she walked away. Shit looked soft as fuck. But I can't think like that around her. I'm just tryna keep my composure around her.

King POV

"You good lil man?" I asked KJ as Miracle bounced him a little on her knee. He giggled as she started tickling his stomach. He turned around and looked at Miracle. She made funny faces at him causing him to go into a fit of laughter. I began joining in when he held his laugh a little longer than needed. Miracle naturally joined us too.

"Daddy who is this?" He asked pointing at Miracle. I frowned at him.

"It's not nice to point KJ" I said sternly causing him to immediately put his arm down. He continued to stare at me waiting for my answer.

"This is Ms. Miracle" I said smiling at him. He smiled at Miracle causing her to smile back. We look like a bunch of clowns, cheesing and shit. I ain't gone lie, Miracle got a sexy smile. Her perfect lips then her perfect white teeth.

"Is this your girlfriend daddy?" I heard KJ ask causing me to snap outta my thoughts. I swooped him off Miracle's lap causing him to giggle.

"What you know about girlfriends lil man?" I asked him as he began to calm down. He waved his little hand like he was a little pimp.

"I know a lil sum sum" He said causing me and Miracle to laugh.

"No I'm not his girlfriend KJ" Miracle spoke. Damn. She was quick as hell to answer with that 'no' though.

"That's too bad" He said yawning. Miracle just shrugged as I kept quiet. I began collecting his stuff as Miracle got up. I could feel him drifting to sleep as he put his head on my shoulder.

"Here" Miracle said, handing me his bag. She helped me put everything away as I began to leave.

"Alright well, thanks" She said nonchalantly. I just nodded as I grabbed the duffle bag full of money along with KJ's bag. As I was about to walk out the door, KJ popped his head up.

"Wait" He said wiggling out my grip. I put him down as he began running to Miracle. I chuckled as I saw him hug her legs.

"Bye KJ" She said in a sweet tone. He said bye back and ran back to me.

As we got back in the car, I noticed Tempz and Bullet left. Great. No noise, just peaceful silence. I began to back out as I started to think of Miracle.

I liked how she had your boy's back during that shoot out. The fact my son was in the middle of that shit, made me mad as fuck. I'm determined to find out who fucked up our shit. But other than that, for a kingpin, she's good with kids. I might have to come back to see her. For KJ of course. ;)


-What y'all think?

-Tempz asked out Test?

-How y'all think the date gone go?

-Faith spending the night at Bullet's?

-They so cute!

-KJ likes Miracle?

-King feeling Miracle?

-But what's Lauren gone have to say about all this?


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