Chapter 24

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Test POV

"That's the last of them." I said as I slammed the trunk of the van. We loaded about. 30 Macks, AKs, and Uzis each car. There were about 6 vans that could hold up to 10 people. The rest of the workers who couldn't get a seat taking the black SUV trucks.

"We ready?" Miracle said handing me my custom made Uzi. It was light blue and white with my name engraved. I nodded as I got my adrenaline pumping. I had the twins stay with me and Faith's mom for the meanwhile. Neither women know about what's currently going on.

"Come on ladies" Bullet said with a hard look on his face. We both nodded. The whole time, Miracle's been real quiet. I've known this chick for too long. That shit ain't never good, she craving blood.

We all loaded up in the first truck as we waited about 3 minutes to let the other workers get in their cars. After the wait, Bullet pulled off with Faith in the front seat, me and Tempz in the middle row, while Miracle took the back.

"What's the plan?" Bullet said looking at Miracle from the rear view mirror. She chuckled.

"Get KJ, kill anyone who ain't us, and bring King Lauren and whoever else we need" She said in a duh tone. We all nodded. The plan was pretty out there, but I knew better than to speak on it.

"Will you hurry up?" Faith complained as Bullet smacked his teeth. I rolled my eyes along with everyone else in the car. They always arguing!

"Will you shut the fuck up?" Bullet slurred. He sounded like he was playing with her, but we all knew better. He wasn't.

"Make me shut the fuck up." Faith warned causing Bullet to chuckle. I sighed as they continued to bicker.

"Oh my god! Would y'all just fuck and make up?! Ain't nobody got time for y'all Glee drama!" Tempz shouted causing everyone in the car to get real quiet.

Miracle POV

I was already on the verge of snapping. Praise God Tempz said what he said or I woulda shot one of them niggas. I wasn't in a mood to hear one of their bicker sessions.

After a few minutes, we arrived a block away from a broken down warehouse that seemed to be guarded. It was about 16 niggas outside patrolling the perimeter.

I took a deep breathe as I thought about what to do next.

"What we gone do?" Tempz said mugging the goons on the porch and lawn.

"I say just sneak in" Faith said cocking her Uzi. I continued to think as Bullet smacked his teeth.

"You can die if you want" He said leaning back in the seat.

"Look!" I said before they could even get started. Everyone in the car turned back to me. I looked behind me to see a line of trucks filled with my workers waiting for the order. I bought over 100 men and women with me that's willing to put they life on the line for mines. That's loyalty.

I grabbed my cell phone and called the driver of the first truck.

"Hello?" She said as I took a deep breathe.

"Code White" I said causing Test and Faith to gasp. I hung up the phone as I instructed Bullet to back up to the end of the lines up trucks. I took my phone out and sent a chain text to every worker out here.

'It doesn't matter why you're doing this. Who you're doing it for. I'm grateful that I've blessed by such a perfect soul. No matter what mistakes you've made, or what regrets you have, you're always be cherish as a White. I ain't gone lie, not everyone will make it back to their families, friends, or lives. But I have just one request, if you have anyone who is depending on you're presence, please leave and go home to them. Your loyalty doesn't matter as much as your loved ones. Good luck love.'

Love Miracle xoxo

I saw only about 3 workers leave the scene. 2 men and 1 woman. I respect that they were strong enough to leave. I hope they stay blessed.

"Are you serious?" Test said as she cocked her gun. I nodded. I saw the orange flag on the warehouse. I know that's the gang who shot up my meeting.

"As a heart attack" I said as I cocked mines too. Tempz and Bullet continued to look puzzled.

"God bless the men and women we lose tonight" Faith said as she drew a cross with her fingertips on her upper body.

"God bless every soul in this car" Test said coping Faith's actions. I took a deep breathe.

"God take care of your new angels" I said as I did the same. Tempz nodded as Bullet had his eyes closed saying a small prayer.

"Now we wait" I said as I leaned back. I closed my eyes as the sounds of gun shots and the cries of men and women filled my ears.

Faith POV

I watched as some of our soldiers went down. Most of theirs went down, but it was still a sad sight to see. I watched the bodies of people's sons and daughters drop to the floor. Some babies will never know their fathers or mothers, or both.

"Damn" I heard Bullet mutter. I nodded in agreement as more of their goons rushed out the house as more of us rushed out the trucks. More shots were fired as more bodies dropped. I didn't realize I had tears on my cheek until I felt a thumb wipe them away.

"Thanks" I mumbled as I continued to watch.

"It's crazy how loyal they all are" Bullet said to me as he watched the blood scene. I simply nodded. He sighed as we both stayed quiet.

"I miss how we were" I said thinking out loud. He turned his head as he ran a hand down his face.

"I do too" He said looking at me as I continued to stare straight.

"Y'all ready?" Miracle said unbuckling her seat belt. I quickly hopped out the truck being the first. Everyone else followed sue.

"We going through the back" Test said as she lead the pack. We all quickly ran pass the war on the front lawn as we were cautious about not to catch a stray bullet.

"What the fuck?!" A worker with an orange bandana hanging from his neck. Before he could lift his glock, Tempz shot a bullet through his neck.

"Time for war" I said with a smirk on my face, pulling out another pistol from my waist.

We all ran in the house shooting whoever wore orange. I shot two men with my guns as I saw Bullet shoot three. He turned to me and smirked.

"Show off" I mumbled as we all moved around the house killing the workers.

"Lil bitch!" I heard a male voice say as I turned around. I was met with a semi hard fist to my jaw. I stumbled back a little as I wiped the blood on the corner of my lip.

"Big mistake" Bullet said before putting three holes in the workers back.

"You watch my back, i'll watch yours" He said in a low tone. I nodded as we both started looking around for KJ.


-What y'all think?

-Give me actually feedback you guys!

-Something tells me y'all gonna either love me or hate me for what happens next


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