Chapter 31: The Big Showdown in New Orleans

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The big day had arrived, the day was August 3rd and Nationals was going to be in New Orleans the sun was rising and the time was 8:00 AM and even at that time, the city was busy with joggers running down the street, trolleys running and cars and buses were going down Canal.

In Sebastian's hotel room, Sebastian was asleep as he was snoring loudly. The sound of "Bad" by Michael Jackson played on Sebastian's cell phone and he started to wake up and opened his eyes, reached to get his phone and turned fof the alarm on his cell phone as he rubbed his eyes and let out a yawn.

The adoptive son of Abby got up out of the bed and headed to the bathroom, he first started to brush his teeth, jumped in the shower which was three minutes, he stepped out of the shower, put some hair gel on and wrapped his long hair up in a ponytail, then Sebastian left the bathroom.

He walked to the closet and checked to see what he was gonna wear and after carefully considering, Sebastian chose a blue button down shirt, blue jeans and men's slip on shoes and cleaned up the room, which took a few minutes and then he grabbed his cell phone and card key and left the hotel room, but he would be back to get his luggage because after Nationals, they would head back to the Airport to catch a flight back home to Chicago.

Sebastian walked down the hall and approached the hotel room of his mother, he knocked twice and after waiting a few seconds, the door opened and Abby was standing there with no makeup on, her hair in curlers and she was in a blue jacket, silver camisole, sandals and blue pants, she had gotten out of the shower.

"Good morning, mom." Sebastian said to Abby.

"Morning, Seb." Abby replied, kissing her son on the cheek and he kissed her back on the cheek and she allowed him to enter and they sat down and ate breakfast that the dance teacher had called for.

"The day is finally here." Sebastian told her. "Nationals has arrived."

"It is, but we're gonna have to beat those rotten apples." Abby stated.

"You know it. What's gonna be the order at Nationals for the girls?"

"Well, Asia will go first, then Mackenzie will be next, after she does her solo, Chloe and Payton will finish the solos and finally, we'll have the group dance, but Cathy has a group dance of her own."

"Don't worry, mom. We'll beat those rotten apples." Sebastian assured his mother, then they finished breakfast and Abby got the curlers out of her hair and Sebastian did his mother's makeup and then Abby got her bags and Sebastian went back to his room and got his bags and personal belongings and they headed down to the lobby via the elevator where the girls and moms were waiting and they had their bags.

"There's Miss Abby and Sebastian." Nia said.

"Once they arrive where we are, then we'll get on the bus." Gianna informed them.

"Are you all ready to go to Nationals?" Sebastian asked.

"Ready whenever you are." Asia responded.

"All right, everyone to the bus!' Abby ordered as everyone got on the bus and took their seats and they were on their way to Nationals.

15 Minutes later, the bus that the Abby Lee Dance Company was on arrived at the McAlister Auditorium and they got off and saw that there were a lot of fans cheering them on, they grabbed their bags and headed to the entrance of the auditorium, where they saw Cathy and her dancers at the steps.

"Hey, it's the soon to be former National Champions!" Cathy taunted.

Sebastian rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms.

Dancing through Drama (Sequel to Forever in Love, Dance Moms Fic)Where stories live. Discover now