Chapter 27: Preparing for the big showdown

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The next morning, Sebastian was asleep in his hotel room and the time was 8:00 AM and he opened his eyes and got up out of the bed and stretched. He then walked over to the bathroom and entered it, first he brushed his teeth, then he jumped into the shower and washed his hair and he had brought his favorite shampoo and lathered it up, then he stepped out of the shower and blow dried his long hair and combed it, making it curly and then he wrapped it in a ponytail and exited the bathroom.

"Ok, let's see what i'm gonna wear." Sebastian said to himself, then he pulled out some black jeans, a New Orleans Saints tanktop that he bought yesterday and some sandals on his feet and put on some sunglasses, he grabbed his cell phone and card key and he exited the hotel room.

Sebatian walked down the hall and he saw Chloe pass him and she was headed to her mother's room.

"Hi, Sebastian." Chloe greeted.

"Hi, Chloe." Sebastian responded, then he got to the elevator and it took him to the lobby, when it got there and the doors opened, he stepped off of the elevator and headed to the dining section near the lobby where Abby and Gianna were sitting and were eating breakfast and they saw him arrive.

"Morning, mom. Morning, Gia." Sebastian greeted and gave them kisses on their cheeks.

"Morning to you, honey." Abby responded to her son.

"Morning, Seb." Gianna added. "We got some breakfast for you."

"All right." Sebastian said, seeing some bacon and eggs and orange juice. "My favorite breakfast food."

"You've always had a fondness for bacon and eggs. You like them scrambled and we paid for the breakfast in advance." Abby remarked.

"Yes, i do." Sebastian said. "Mom, Gia, something has been puzzling me since Late March. Do you two think that this song by Robin Thicke, T.I. and Pharrell that's named Blurred Lines sounds a lot like Marvin Gaye's "Got to give it up"? Because i think the two songs sound just alike."

"I think so too." Gianna agreed. "Because when i first heard it, the beat sounded a lot like Got to Give it Up."

"It sure does." Abby added. "So wednesday is our day off, what do you want to do?"

"Walk down Bourbon street, because it's the most popular street in the City." Sebastian suggested.

"Sounds good to me." Gianna agreed. "Remember we took a tour of the Superdome when we were little? It was back in 2002."

"We sure did and that was three years before the dreaded Hurricane Katrina struck and that was one of the most horrible hurricanes." Sebastian reminisced.

"It was." Abby said, then the three finished up their breakfast and got up and left the dining section of the hotel, Sebastian got the bag that had the music and the laptop to play it on and headed to the exit. A taxi van was sitting at the exit and the three got in.

"Where can i take you?" The driver asked as she looked at them.

"Off Broadway Dance Studio." Sebatian answered.

"Okay, Off Broadway Dance Studio it is." The driver said, then the vehicle pulled out of the driveway of the hotel and turned on Common Street, then left turned on St Charles Avenue and eventually turned right on to Poydras Street.

15 Minutes later, the taxi van arrived at the studio and parked near the entrance for Abby, Sebastian and Gianna to get out of the vehicle and got the bag and then they entered the building and started to prepare for the first day of rehearsals.

"Mom, do you want me to get the pyramid set?" Sebastian asked.

"Go ahead." Abby replied as Sebastian put the photos on the mirror and covered them up and minutes later, the girls and their moms arrived and the girls changed into their dance wear.

"Girls, get your butts in here right now! We've got a mission and we will not be kept waiting!" Sebastian ordered as Chloe, Mackenzie, Brooke, Paige, Nia, Asia, Payton, Kendall and Maddie all walked in with Christi, Kelly, Holly, Kristie, Jill, Leslie and Melissa behind them.

"Well, it's been a long season and we are here in the big easy aka New Orleans for Nationals and we're the reigning national champs. But for you to leave here National Champions, you are going to have to dance like champs, so let's get to pyramid." Abby reminded them.


Top - Mackenzie

Middle - Chloe. Paige, Asia

Bottom - Nia, Brooke, Kendall, Maddie

"All right, we are competing here in New Orleans and attending Nationals Hall Of Fame this saturday and you know that Cathy and her crew will show their faces. We've got four solos and since Asia is the only mini on this team, she has the first of the four solos locked up and Asia, your solo is a hip hop routine called Unstoppable." Sebastian stated as Asia nodded and Kristie smiled.

"The group dance that we have for Nationals will be called Slow Me Down and we also have three solos, the first of the three is Hollywood Tonight and it's a jazz routine, the second one will be a lyrical routine called Where The Light Gets In and the third one will be a contemporary routine named Purple Rain." Abby added.

"And in order for one of you girls to get these solos, you're gonna have to do an improv dance off against each other and whoever does the best will earn the solo." Gianna said.

"Sounds good to us." Chloe said.

"And Maddie, remember, you're only to be a part of the group dance, so you can watch, we told you this weeks ago." Sebastian said, looking at Maddie as Melissa was glaring daggers at him and Maddie was looking down about not being able to be in the dance off to earn a solo.

"Moms, you're dismissed and girls, you can start stretching." Abby said as the girls spread out and started stretching and the moms went behind the curtain to sit down.

"I can't believe Sebastian and Abby would do Maddie like that, not letting her be a part of the dance off for solos." Melissa fumed as she said that.

"Well, you agreed to it." Christi responded.

"Yeah, they allowed you and Maddie to be a part of the team but only be a part of the group dance." Kristie said.

"But i thought they would have changed their mind by now!" Melissa ranted. "And they're allowing Mackenzie to be a part of the dance off?! That's not fair."

"Life's not fair." Kelly retorted. "But you've got to make the most of it."

"And Mackenzie is more humble that Maddie." Leslie stated.

"Leslie is right, Mackenzie, like Chloe puts the team first and not themselves first." Holly told them.

"So who do you think will get the solos in the upcoming dance off?" Christi asked.

"In my opinion, Chloe's a no brainer to get one of them." Leslie answered.

"I predict Payton will win one of the dance offs." Kelly predicted.

Meanwhile, at another dance studio named Dance Quarter, which was a few miles south of Downtown New Orleans on Toledano street, the Candy Apples Dance Center were in the dancing room that was painted red and had sofas for their moms to sit on and sitting on them were Yvette, Alli, Gina, Ann, Nicole and Patsy as Hadley, Campbell, Mari, Ayla, Nicaya, Taylor and Vivi were all looking at Cathy.

"Ok, girls, we're all here in New Orleans for Nationals and we are going to beat Abby and her band of losers and we do not have any solos, but however, we do have a group dance and even Vivi will be a part of it. The routine is and when it's all said and done, we'll be the new national champions of dance and Abby and her crew will be going back home to Chicago with their tail between their legs." Cathy stated.

"You know they will." Yvette agreed.

"Can't wait to see their faces when they see us win." Alli added as the Candy Apples started their rehearsals.

Dancing through Drama (Sequel to Forever in Love, Dance Moms Fic)Where stories live. Discover now