Chapter 13: No-Shows, Skating with the Enemy

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The next day at Stepping Out Studios around noon, Abby, Sebastian, Gianna, Chloe, Asia and Mackenzie were arriving and also with them were Christi and Kristie and it was the first day of rehearsals for Xpressions Dance Competition. Gianna put down the laptop so she can play the music and started playing it as Chloe, Asia and Mackenzie were in the dressing room getting changed and Christi and Kristie were in the other room across from the Studio they were in.

"How's the music, Gia?" Sebastian asked his girlfriend.

"It hasn't skipped so far." Gianna replied to her boyfriend.

"Ok." He then turned his attention to Abby. "Do you want me to get the pyramid set?"

"Go ahead." Abby replied as Sebastian got the headshots and placed them on the mirror and then he covered the photos up so when everyone else got to the studio, they'd know which spots on the pyramid they'd be on, then 10 minutes had passed, Chloe, Mackenzie and Asia were stretching and something wass on Sebastian's mind. "What's on your mind, sweetie?"

"Mom, do you have this feeling that something's missing?" Sebastian asked.

"I was just having that feeling too." Gianna admitted, seeing that Chloe, Asia and Mackenzie were the only dancers in the studio with them and the only moms that were in the other room next to the studio were Christi and Kristie. "We have Christi, Kristie, Chloe, Asia and Mackenzie with us, but Maddie, Brooke, Paige, Nia, Kendall, Melissa, Kelly, Jill and Holly aren't here."

"Do you or Sebastian know where they are?" Abby wondered, but she was agitated over the fact that the other girls and their moms were not there, they were supposed to be in the studio with everybody else.

"Mom, i'm not gonna lie to you, i tried asking one of them where they were headed and they didn't tell me." Sebastian admitted.

"They told me that too." Gianna added. "Maybe Sebastian can go look for them?"

"That's a good idea, Gianna." Abby said, then she turned her attention to her son. "Sebastian?"

"Yes, mom?" Sebastian said as he walked over to see what his mother wanted.

"I have a little job for you to do, i want you to look for the girls and their moms and i brought a jacket and hat so they'll think it's a pedestrian just going on with their day and when you find them for me, give me the heads up." Abby informed her adoptive son and pulled out a trenchcoat and hat.

"Can do, mom." Sebastian told his mother.

"Be careful while you're looking for them and when you do call one of us to find out where they are, get out of there on the double and come back to the studio." Gianna said to her boyfriend.

"I will and i'll keep you all posted." Sebastian said, then he put on the jacket and hat and left the building as Asia, Mackenzie and Chloe were looking on.

"Do you think he can find the other girls and their moms?" Mackenzie asked.

"He can, Kenzie." Chloe answered. "And i've got a feeling that he and Miss Abby are not going to be happy campers at all."

"I've got that feeling too." Asia predicted.

"Where do you think he's headed?" Chloe wondered.

"He might be heading to one of the skating rinks, that's my prediction." Mackenzie said.

"You might be right, Kenzie." Asia stated as Christi and Kristie were in the other room and had just seen Sebastian just leave in a trenchcoat.

"Where do you think he's going?" Kristie asked.

Dancing through Drama (Sequel to Forever in Love, Dance Moms Fic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt