Chapter 23: Visit

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Two weeks had passed and Sebastian and Abby hadn't been seen at the previous competition because they were taking care of Maryen, who was in hospice for Stage IV Colon Cancer, and at the competition before the one that one, Melissa and Maddie showed up and had a standoff with Abby and Sebastian in the audience and the week after that one, Melissa snuck Maddie into the studio and was told by Abby and Sebastian to get out over the phone backstage at that competition.

That monday morning, Christi was pulling up to the driveway of Abby's house and she saw that Sebastian's SUV was parked on the street next to the sidewalk that led to the house. She got out of the car and headed to the door, she knocked on the door and the door opened and standing there was Sebastian.

"Hey, Christi." Sebastian greeted.

"Hello, Sebastian." Christi replied as they hugged and she entered the house and made her way into the kitchen with Sebastian following her.

"Good Morning Abby." Christi said, entering the kitchen where Abby was making breakfast.

"Christi, is that you?" Abby asked.

"Yeah." Christi responded.

"Hey, Christi." Abby greeted the older Lukasiak as he and Abby saw her enter from the living room with Sebastian behind her and Christi gave the dance teacher a hug. "You look really great today."

"Thanks for the compliment. How's things going today, because we really miss you at the studio." Christi wondered as Sebastian was standing next to Abby.

"Mom's nurses stopped by today." Abby said.

"Oh, how is she?" Christi asked, she like everybody else knew that Maryen was suffering from Stage IV colon cancer and was in hospice and what that meant was that the doctors had told them that she had seven months to live.

"Well, when you look at Grandma, you think she's fine and healthy, but unfortunately, she is in so much pain." Sebastian said as he saw Christi start to get emotional. "Don't cry."

"It'll be ok." Christi said, her voice slightly breaking. "We're your support team."

"Thanks, Christi. We needed that." Abby replied sadly.

"Anytime." Christi remarked. "Honestly, we were kinda sad that you weren't there last week, but with this going on, it's understandable. You know the girls need you two at the studio."

"Christi, we love Chloe and the girls, but what they need is to dance and me and my son need my mother." Abby informed her. "But we will be back at one point before Nationals."

"Family comes first and whenever my mom or grandma were upset, i was upset too and you know how my mother feels about Melissa these days, she's lost respect for her." Abby stated.

"Christi, did you know when my grandfather was on his death bed in ICU when i was 10, he was on life support through the whole recital and i was the last person that he spoke to before he passed." Sebastian choked as tears started to fall from his eyes and Abby wrapped an arm around him and even her tears were falling.

"I remember you telling me that." Christi sniffed, seeing Abby and her son look emotional. "And i know how much Sebastian loved his grandfather."

"He did, my father was like a father figure to him and my son dedicated his Nationals performance to him and he broke down crying in the dressing room after winning the national title." Abby added. "We just need some time and we don't have that."

"Take all of the time you need before Nationals." Christi told them.

"We will." Sebastian said, wiping his tears.

"Ok, i'm gonna head to the studio to see how the girls are holding up without you two." Christi stated, giving them hugs.

"It was nice of you to visit to check on us." Abby stated as Christi gave the thumbs up and she left the house and got into her car, turned the ignition and the vehicle was on and she drove off to the ALDC.

Eight minutes later, Christi was seen pulling into the parking lot and parked, then she got out of the car and walked to the entrance of the studio and saw that Gianna was sitting at the front desk.

"Hi, Gia." Christi greeted the assistant choreographer.

"Hello, Christi. How are Abby and Sebastian doing?" Gianna replied.

"They're ok, just taking care of Mrs. Miller." Christi answered.

"As much as they can before she goes?" Gianna said, with solemness in her voice.

"Yeah." Christi stated. "Are the girls stretching for this upcoming competition in Brooklyn?"

"They sure are and the moms are upstairs and Melissa and Maddie snuck into the studio and Abby and Sebastian told me to just let them in and they'll deal with her."

"Hopefully, they'll put her ego aside for the sake of Nationals." Christi said.

"Honestly, i doubt it." Gianna admitted

"We'll have to see where it goes." Christi said, then through that day, Gianna rehearsed with the girls as Abby and Sebastian were still not there and no one talked to Melissa through that entire day.

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