Chapter 16: Second Half Drama

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Three months later, it was June 3rd and the second half of the 2012-13 dancing season was starting and the season would come to an end in New Orleans on August 3rd and the day before, Sebastian found out from the dancing committee that instead of the elite junior soloist division would go from 8 to 14 the minute the second half of the dancing season began instead of starting at 9 like he was originally told as he was standing in Studio A with Abby and the pyramid had been set and the girls and moms were in the Dancer's Den.

"Girls, come on, it's the start of the second half of the season!" Sebastian ordered as Mackenzie, Chloe, Brooke, Paige, Nia, Kendall, Asia and Maddie all walked into Studio A with Christi, Kelly, Holly, Jill, Kristie and Melissa walking in behind them.

"Well, we concluded the first half of the season with a win and we qualified for Nationals, like we knew we would." Abby stated. "But you've got to stay focused for Nationals if you want to retain your national title. All right, let's get to pyramid."


Top - Chloe

Middle - Paige, Asia, Mackenzie

Bottom - Kendall, Nia, Brooke, Maddie

"This upcoming saturday, we are going to be headed to Indianapolis, Indiana to compete at Master of Dance Arts. Also we've got three solos and the group dance and since the elite junior soloist division is now 8 to 14, that means Mackenzie and Maddie will be doing the same solo and everyone will be in the group dance." Abby said.

Melissa had a gleeful look on her face, she knew that this would finally get Maddie back in the good books of Abby and Sebastian by beating Mackenzie, who she feels doesn't measure up to Maddie at all.

"Ok, moms, you're dismissed and girls, start warming up." The moms headed upstairs as the girls started stretching and minutes later, the girls all went to the den as Maddie was ready to rehearse her solo.

"Maddie, your solo is entitled Get Happy." Sebastian simply stated as Gianna then started to play the music and Sebastian demonstrated the steps and then he looked at Maddie, who began doing the steps and when she did a turn, she fell several times and that annoyed Abby and Sebastian.

"How many times have we told you about that turn?!" Abby yelled.

"Did you not watch me teach you the moves?! Mackenzie could have finished this in minutes!" Sebastian added and that comment made Maddie start to tear up.

"Save those tears for your pillow, crybaby!" Abby told the dancer as Melissa was glaring at them as Maddie continued her dance, then she was dismissed and Mackenzie came into the Studio to rehearse the same solo.

"Mackenzie, the name of your solo is the same one that Maddie has, which is called Get Happy." Gianna had the song on repeat and it began again as Mackenzie started her dance as they saw her dance well.

"Arms out straight." Gianna informed the young dancer and Mackenzie obeyed and kept on dancing.

"Make sure to turn your feet out." Sebastian added and the younger ziegler turned her feet out and she did a great job with rehearsing her solo and she was done when the music ended.

"You did well, Mackenzie." Abby told her. "Honestly, you had less flaws than your sister had and if you keep up the excellent dancing, you could potentially beat Maddie."

"Ok." Mackenzie said, then unexpectedly, the door from the front desk and viewing room opened and walking in was Melissa.

"I've got something to say to Mackenzie." Melissa simply told them, then she turned her attention to Mackenzie with an angry look. "Mackenzie, are you trying to upstage Maddie?! You need to be exactly like her if you want to be a great dancer!"

"Mom, i'm special in my own way, you don't need to compare me and Miss Abby said that every dancer is great in their own way!" Mackenzie said.

"MACKENZIE FRANCES, YOU BETTER LISTEN AND LISTEN GOOD, MADDIE IS BETTER THAN YOU AND YOU'RE NOT AS GOOD AS MADDIE AND YOU NEVER WILL BEAT HER AT XPRESSIONS, SO GET THAT IN YOUR HEAD! YOU'RE JUST JEALOUS THAT MADDIE IS BETTER AND ABBY AND THAT IDIOT SON OF HERS IS CONSPIRING AGAINST ME AND MADDIE AND IF YOU DON'T LIKE THAT, TOO BAD!" Melissa screamed at her younger daughter as Abby and Sebastian looked on in anger at hearing what she was saying to Mackenzie, who then left Studio A crying as the other moms were looking on in anger themselves.

"YOU SINGLE MINDED DINGBAT!" Abby yelled at Melissa as Sebastian left Studio A to find Mackenzie.

"Abby, my oldest daughter makes the team, not Chloe or anyone else and that's the truth, but you keep pushing Maddie in the background!" Melissa snapped.

"There are other girls on the team, they make the team, not just one and Mackenzie didn't deserve to hear that from you!" Abby retorted.

"It's the truth." Melissa rolled her eyes. "Maddie is better than her!"

"No one is better than no one!" Abby snarled as she and Melissa started arguing as the moms were looking on.

"That was wrong for Melissa to yell at Mackenzie like that." Holly stated.

"Yeah, Mackenzie didn't deserve that!" Kelly agreed.

"If she tried yelling at Chloe, i'd smack that ego right off of her face!" Christi added.

"Melissa owes Mackenzie and Apology for those comments." Kristie said.

"You know what, we'll let Karma do the work for us." Jill suggested.

"Sounds like a good idea." Holly agreed.

"One day down the line, Melissa will realize her mistakes, but honestly, i doubt it." Christi said.

On the bench that was next to the exit, Mackenzie was sitting on one of the bench crying from being insulted by her mother, then the door opened and she looked up through her tears and saw that Sebastian had walked towards where she was sitting and sat next to her.

"Kenzie, i saw the whole thing and that wasn't right what she said, you are Mackenzie and you can only dance like you can." Sebastian told her.

"But she's right, i'll never be as good as Maddie!" Mackenzie whimpered.

"Mackenzie, you are a great dancer in your own way. She's just saying that to make herself feel better." Sebastian sternly, but gently told her.

"She also said that you and Miss Abby are conspiring against her and you're all jealous.." Mackenzie sniffed as the younger Miller hugged her.

"Don't listen to what Melissa says, she's just jealous that you're a hard working dancer and she and Maddie can't see that, but Me, Mom, Gia, the other moms and other dancers see it, we've seen it from the very beginning." Sebastian stated as Abby then came in after arguing with Melissa.

"Are you ok, Mackenzie?" Abby asked with concern on her face.

"Why did my mom say those those things to me, i didn't do anything to her." Mackenzie muttered.

"Mackenzie, listen to me. Melissa is just talking ignorant trash, she's just jealous that you're more humble than Maddie is, they're nothing but a bunch of egoholics." Abby told the young dancer.

"Yeah, what my mom said." Sebastian said. "Later, if not sooner, they're gonna find themselves off the team, but don't worry, we'll keep you on the team because you're the only Ziegler that's humble."

"That's right." Abby added as she hugged Mackenzie and Sebastian gave her a hug too and that's what made Mackenzie start to feel a whole lot better. "Come on, let's rehearse this group dance."

Abby, Sebastian and Mackenzie all walked back into Studio A and the girls and moms, except for Maddie and Melissa all gave the younger Ziegler a hug and the group dance was called Falling Slowly, during rehearsals, none of the moms spoke to Melissa.

Dancing through Drama (Sequel to Forever in Love, Dance Moms Fic)Where stories live. Discover now