Chapter 30: Brawl on Bourbon, Punishment

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Later that evening, while the girls were back at the Sheraton and Sebastian and Abby were somewhere further on Bourbon, the moms were all at the Oyster Bar having some drinks and it was 6:30 PM.

"A toast to New Orleans!" Kelly said as the moms raised their glasses up.

"Here, here!" Jill exclaimed.

"It's nice to get away from the craziness, especially from Abby and Sebastian." Melissa said.

"That's right." Jill stated.

"Just so you all know, I've told Abby that Asia and i want to stay on the team so Asia could learn more from her and Sebastian because she's told me that she has learned a lot from him." Kristie confirmed to everyone.

"That's good to know. Everyone loves Sebastian as much as Abby, Gianna, us moms and our families do." Holly stated.

"You know it." Jill said.

"We've had one crazy season and next year could be the same thing." Christi stated.

"That's gonna be very likely." Kelly said. "Did you know that when we saw Abby and Sebastian pass by, they had beads?"

"Ok, i don't want to know how they got those beads." Melissa gagged.

"Abby told me over the phone that they bought theirs at a store." Leslie assured them.

"Well that's good to know." Kristie stated, then they finished their drinks, except for Melissa and Leslie, who still had theirs and they began walking towards the Sheraton hotel to call it a night.

"Moms, do you all think that Maddie has a ego?" Leslie asked the moms.

"Maddie does not have an ego, she's just more talented then the other dancers!" Melissa responded smugly.

"I think you have a bigger ego." Jill told Melissa.

"I agree with Jill." Holly said.

"Someone needs to control Melissa and her huge ego, because the ego she has is bigger than her head." Leslie said under her breath, but Melissa heard her.

"What did you say?" Melissa demanded to know.

"I was saying that someone needs to control your ego, because it's bigger than your head!" Leslie said and the two women were arguing, much to the embarrassment of the other moms.

"Why do i get a bad feeling that this could get very ugly?" Holly predicted.

"It just might." Christi said.

"Just one comment from one of them and it's gonna turn to Wrestlemania on Bourbon Street." Kristie added.

"I know and once Abby hears this, someone's not gonna be here for Nationals." Jill told them.

"Unlike you, i'm a real dance mom while you keep jumping on and off the team like a kangaroo." Melissa retorted

"You know what, Melissa, it's probably not going to be long until Abby kicks you and your egoholic daughter, Maddie off the team because you've got a bigger ego." Leslie told Melissa.

"Unlikely, Maddie makes the team, not anybody else!" Melissa responded smugly and that upset the moms, because they were starting to get sick and tired of her always talking about herself and Maddie, whenever someone mentioned Mackenzie, she would just roll her eyes or make a comment.

"Melissa's clock is gonna be ticking before we know it." Kristie whispered.

"You keep on with that, they might throw the both of you off the team! Us other moms might be crazy at times, but at least we don't have egos! We're all about the team" Leslie stated.

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