<chapter 24>

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Bruce disappeared in the shadows of gotham. In the shadows he was a myth invincible and fast. This is the truth because gotham is full of Shadows day and night some even in the light. He returned to The league of assassin's with a pic of Tris's body. "I said I wanted Oliver smith not  huntress" the commander yelled. Of course Bruce lied. " I couldn't get him, too skilled"

The league commander gave in and let it go. Bruce let out a breath of relief. "Fine, selina kyle I want her alive though" She said.

Bruce set out selina apartment she wasn't there, but her cats were. They hissed at him when he came through. He took a chance to break her and he killed all of them. He practically decorated the room with there dead bodies. He grinned and laughed as he saw there last breath and sound. It entertained him. Bruce was becoming a monster crazy like harley quinn. He went insane a little.

Selina walked in and she didn't cry she got mad really mad. "Come out assholes, I know you're still here you sick freak" as she turned around Bruce appeared out the shadows and put her in a head-lock. "Look at all you're friends, dead. Look at those innocent faces" cat grabbed his shoulders and flipped him over herself and slammed him to the floor with incredible strength. As he gained consciousness she then stomped his face into the floor.

"What the hell is wrong with you, I left and you go crazy, I thought you said you loved me" Bruce slowly took out his two Katana and swept up to her neck fast as light. Cat kicked his side and his knee, she then took a bat and beat him with it blood splattered everywhere, but Bruce just got up like he couldn't feel it. He took her by her throat and threw her through the wall like he had super strength.

He was ready to put her out until Oliver swooped in the window sending him flying out the other. The two rushed to the window to see if he lived but there was no sign of him anywhere. "We're so dead" the two said at the same time.


[cats pov]
After Bruce disappeared out the window oliver started to panic and paced back and forth. The wind blew the curtains around the room and the constant everyday sirens of gotham rang to complete the setting. "Could you please stop" i asked becoming frustrated. His constant pacing was preventing me from thinking clearly. Why would he all the sudden go rogue and just try to end us,just like that. "What did we do that was so harsh. I looked up as Oliver peered out the window hiding behind the curtains. "Where could he have gone?" he mumbled gripping his bow.

He bit his and steadied his breathing. "We cant go after him, im sure he isn't by himself on this" i suggested.

"And what if he is, then-"

"Then what, i interrupted "we just go and talk" i continued standing up. "He just tried to kill us, for godsake he hurled me in a wall" i yelled. I brushed some hair behind my ears and leaned against the wall. "Im done, we cant help him" i whispered.

I knew leaving him on his own would be a mistake but i didn't think of the consequences, I never do.

"Thats it, your just going to up and leave" Oliver started. Which was ignorant of him because last time i checked he said fuck you im going try to steal your girl. Even though we weren't really togeth- nevermind. I turned to face him but the wind blows and he was gone. I wanted to believe he had a choice but my head was clouded with the thought that i was the cause. It wasnt oliver it me, he begged me not to leave and thats
exactly what i did. All because i was too scared of love more than a gun to my head. I never wanted it but there was something between Bruce and i.

I liked Oliver also even if he was a douchebag​. There was something playing games with my mind  mostly.


I know i originally ended this fanfic but i agreed to finish it because i haven't did a Bruce and selina fanfic in a while and i really started to like this one again once more. So yeah, now there will be a vote who should win Selina's heart Bruce or Oliver.

special thanks to DanTheWriter10 for letting me use his character Oliver smith in both my fanfics.

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