chapter 9

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As the team were dangling from the bottom of the tracks around the corner came three black cars imeaditly they start shooting at the team. "Shit cat"says pulling closer to Bruce. "We need to leave now" Oliver says as he swings to the top of the train with acrobatic skills.

"I can't do that Bruce says panicking one hand holding him up on the train the other shooting the car aiming at the driver. He shoots on driver crashing them into a liquor store. "Cat I'm gonna swing you up he yells, loud enough to hear over the train. As he swung her he missed and cat landed on a building. Landing on her feet she rolled twice then imeaditly sprinted to catch up. Meanwhile Bruce still dangling from a wire. "Oliver, my wires thinn....." Bruce broke from the train before it was to late his arm was caught by cats whip wrapping around his wrist the car then ran straight I to a wall killing some.

Cat pulled him up and as he crawled to safety she kissed him before he could get all the way up. "Don't fucking do that shit again" She screamed. As they stood up to there side was Oliver who landed lightly from the next building. "That was too close" he said catching his breath. Before he could say anything else. "What do mean, you didn't do anything when Bruce told you he was falling you sat there like a dick"

"There was nothing I could've done catches yelled back. It didn't bother her she was already made at him the fact that she didn't trust him and that he didn't help Bruce filled her with anger. She punched Oliver in the face, hard. This made Oliver furious as he swung back, cat dodged it easily, she grabbed it bent it back and kneed him in the gut. Struck by pain Oliver leaned over holding his belly and moaning in pain. Cat then took her whip and choked him with it after kicking him in the face.

"Selina wtf ,stop he's blue your killing him" selina saw the panic in his eyes and immediately stopped. She let him go and turned to Bruce leaving Oliver choking and gasping for air. "I'm sorry I just i almost lost you an.... im sorry " selina hugged Bruce and he saw behind her was Oliver ready to swing quickly Bruce shot his fist without a second thought.

Oliver fell to his knees holding his bloody hand. Blood dripped and poured down his arm leaving him screaming in pain. "Don't frigging touch her" Bruce, said in a deep voice Bruce took Oliver's side and him and cat took him to the quiver  Even that they all were mad Bruce still needed his help.

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