chapter 10

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Kat wrapped Oliver's hand avoiding eye contact. Bruce was out buying medicine for infections. "I'm sorry that I punched you then kicked you... i thought I lost Bruce" She finished wrapping his arm. Oliver was so attracted to cat he didn't hear what she just said he just stared straight into her eyes. He was shirtless. Cat didn't want to admit it but she was attracted to him.

He leaned in before that bamm. Bruce came thru the door. "I found some rubbing alcohol and cotton balls for the wound. Selina was mad that she almost kissed him and she went to the window. "I'm going home Bruce " selina said as she slipped outside. Soon as she was out of sight he snapped. "Listen wierdo were done... i know you have the hots for my girl so stay away from her you here me asshole. "Oliver smirked which was a bad move that just angered bruce. "I'm not playing okay I'll message you up if I see you again" Bruce then stepped on Oliver shot hand and got pleasure in his pain.

"Next time, I'll shoot you somewhere that won't heal"

Bruce followed selina home and when he made it there he thought selina was acting different. Selina was in her room thinking and panting. She was in memory shock.

-----selina pov----
Bruce almost died and I went ahead and almost kissed Oliver. What's wrong with me i thought.
We all could've died and I wanted to be a thot instead of thinking of us. Bruce came in thru the door and leaned on the wall. "Are you okay, you seemed worried" he said

I sat there still thinking not even hearing what he asked me until he sat next to me. "Huh, sorry I was thinking of something" I said.

"Did uhmm Oliver say anything weird to you when I was out"

"Uhmm no... no nothing happened " I was obviously lying but I didn't want to hurt him. I know I know I'm becoming soft but still. I'm mad at my self that I would do that including the fact that he was a total douche.

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