<chapter 14>

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_Selina pov_

I decided to see Bruce at his party tonight. After what Oliver said I did feel bad And even if I didn't want to admit it i missed him. I walked in the double grand doors with a midnight black elegance dress ,drapped around my body. Everyone stopped and stared as i walked down the stares into the ballroom. I got nervous as i walked down when I didn't see Bruce anywhere.

I sat at the bar waiting for his arrival I ended up there for a while. "Hello Ms.kyle it's been awhile" I looked up to see Bruce who had his hand out. "May I have this dance" he pulled me out to the middle of the ballroom where we danced. "Its nice to see you again.
"I thought you would never come back selina, i also saw you on the news" Bruce whispered in her ear.
"I don't know know what you're talking about " selina hesitated. Bruce dipped her low. "Sure you do,catwoman"

Selina gripped Bruce stinging him in pain "you don't want to cause a scene" "selina tossed here bracelet behind him to distract him and slipped away out of sight. Bruce imeaditly called in security. "Find a woman in black drapped dress"

Few minutes later Bruce made his way to a office on.the fourth floor. In front were massive brutes with there faces slashed in cuts. Bruce made his way in side as two more brutes left the room. Selina sat across the table tied up. "Why did you leave me, I thought you were dead cat"

Selina sat there avoiding eye contact even though she did feel bad. "Talk to me selina if you dont you will regret it, please!!" Bruce began to walk out the room but paused at the door.selina looked up dark knight?? Bruce responded "I missed you selina I still wish we could be us" "But I don't think I could trust you any..." Alfred interrupted Bruce. "Sir your guest are starting to think you wandered of" Bruce made it back to the party room. As for selina everything went black.

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