chapter 1

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The day is  dim, grey and raining like every other day in gotham city. Today was also the first day of school for most of us that live here but not me school was for the ones with an easy life the corrupt civilians  for example I wasn't exactly living easy. I'm not a kid either, that was taken from me 10 years ago.

I go to the school all the time mostly to steal from the 7th and 8th graders just for fun and money. I was perched on the roof  but below me were a group of kids they looked like they were bullies so I watched for a minute.

"Look loser" said the tall bucked teen in a rather deep voice for his age. "If I catch you staring at my girl again I'm beat you into you don't know ya own name, got it punk"

The boy flinched in fear covering his face with his arm. The bully put up his fist as his friends laughed and chanted. Suddenly the light brown haired girl jumped from the roof top on top the teens back wounding him and forcing him to the concrete floor. The rest of the boys watched in shock.  One brave on swung at the girl but missed as she easily dodged her head to the side. "Missed  me" the girl said she then took him by the arm and slammed his face against the brick wall. She took out four school boys in uniform. The skinny boy in a navy blue collar shirt watched in marvel as the girl  defended him and smiled as they ran from the dark corner.


I started looting the bloody faced punks as the others ran into the building is acted quickly before they could come back.

"Hey .. uhmm you should hide before they come back" I said to the boy against the wall he wasn't ugly but he wasn't dead cute either.

"You didn't have to do that" I don't  need saving from some girl!!"he said that comment angered me but it shouldn't I don't even know him.

"Look buthole I didn't have to make sure your face was unpounded but I did so a thank you will do"

"Whatever " he said.

I began to cross jump the walls back to the roofs of gotham as i grabbed the ledge I heard him yell up...


I began jumping rooftop to rooftop  after the school day ended I made it home at midnight and slid right thru my apartment window with my three cats waiting.

I began jumping rooftop to rooftop  after the school day ended I made it home at midnight and slid right thru my apartment window with my three cats waiting

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Hello icis I said as i she purred at the touch of my fingers rubbing against her back.  "I Got us some money so we can get some market milk tomorrow I would've got it on the way but fighting all those punks wears a girl out. I made it to my room and stripped down to my panties. And got in bed.

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