<chapter 20>

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As Bruce ran back into the room. Harley cam back into consciousness and escaped the funhouse.

 Harley cam back into consciousness and escaped the funhouse

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Bruce ran to Oliver's and selina and helped stand him up. "Its okay buddy we got you" Oliver pulled away from selina and gave her a hateful look. He fell from the lack of support but helped his hand up at selina. "Its fine in don't need your pitty" selina shied away and just walked closed behind Bruce and Oliver. The three made it to Bruce's mansion in his room.

Bruce layer Oliver down on the bed and began to care for his wounds as selina leaned on the wall in the living room. "What's going on between you too?" Bruce asked oliver. "Nothing, I just can't trust her anymore you know, she left us and then almost got me killed" Bruce felt bad for the both of them but kept silent. "Atleast she came back" Bruce said wrapping Oliver's arm. After stinging him with alcohol to clean the cuts." How can you say that, she almost had you kill yourself and she never said sorry did she?" Oliver yelled. "Maybe, we should stop, all this...before we all end up dead... she won't care anyway!!"

Bruce was shocked and he didn't disagree Oliver had a point. It was a strong statement he feared that it was true. "Maybe your right but we will still see eachother right?" Oliver got up and put his leather back on. "Maybe not.. it's for the best" Oliver said before zip lining out the window. Bruce then left the room to check on selina was too on her way out. "Fine just leave me let me down. Everyone does it to me.. see if I care !!??!" selina opened her mouth to respond but was interrupted by Bruce's yelling."save it leave it knew you wouldn't stay in the first place" selina hopped out and Bruce punch the wooden wall denting it inward as he let out his cry in tears.

"save it leave it knew you wouldn't stay in the first place" selina hopped out and Bruce punch the wooden wall denting it inward as he let out his cry in tears

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