Chapter 18

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Presenting Chapter 18:D and it is dedicated to @Maurayschutte :D

Haha… another cover done by me>>>


“Revenge may be wicked, but it’s
― William Makepeace Thackeray ,
Vanity Fair



I tried calling Duncan again but it was of no use. I sighed because I didn’t have any of his pack mate’s numbers either. I… I just wanted him to talk to me once. Give me a chance to explain what I am doing and why I am doing it.

When I began my hunt for the Alpha’s, I never ever imagined that I would be known as O. O happened by chance, neither of us planned for O to happen. It just happened after the death of Alpha Herrick.


“I want to kill him. Kill them all” I growled loudly. After Cortez killed the rogue we were back in Alpha Peter’s office.

“Me too” Raven agreed.

“Same here” Tyson growled.

“Will you all calm down?” A voice louder than any of us growled. We all turned to look at Alpha Peter.

“Calm down, Dad?” Raven asked through gritted teeth. “Remy was killed by them and you expect me to calm down?” she asked him again. “Cortez has been waiting for thirteen years with no clue as to why his pack was attacked and now that we have the answer to it, you still expect us to calm down?”

“I agree with her. They are not going to stop until all such kids are dead. We need to find who the last two kids are and protect them” Granel said.

“They have gone way too far. Destroying a pack is unacceptable” Tyson stated. “We have to stop them. Put an end to their tyrant ruling” he said.

“I agree” I said.

“I can understand your feelings and-” Peter started but Raven cut him off.

“Do you dad?” she asked him. “Do you? Because if you did, you would have led us to attack them” she said growling.

“Enough” Alpha Peter growled at his daughter who flinched. “We want to kill them. Kill whom?” he thundered and I gulped at the power in his tone. “Do you know their names?” He asked and I realized what he was telling was the truth. We just knew Alpha Herrick the other names were still unknown to us. “Kill, Kill, Kill.” He growled raising his arms. “He has been saying the same thing from the past thirteen years…” he said nodding at Cortez who growled lowly “And now you all start it” he snapped.

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