The Locker Room: Chapter Twenty-Two: Picture of Banner

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So sorry for the long wait for the update. My life has been really busy. This chapter is kind of boring and I had to change one thing to make it happen. In the last chapter Audrey told Jenny to met at her house at five. I changed the time to eight, so that they could talk until 8:30 when everyone else arrived. And I think this is one of my worse chapters yet. The next chapter will be much better, I'll promise that.

The picture on the side is a banner. The banner was made by WattMadchen1 and her friend. Thank you again. :)

Comment, vote, and enjoy!

Chapter Twenty-Two

            It was eight and I heard the doorbell ring. I knew it was Jenny and I was nervous what went down at her house after I left. Officially, Tyler and Jenny were never dating, but Tyler's date was Jenny for homecoming. But I knew if somebody had a date they were supposed to hang out with that person and not run off with a stranger. I realized that's exactly what I did to Jace.

            I flung the door open and Jenny stood there. She was wearing sweats and a hoodie. Jenny never wore sweats. She also looked horrible. She had black lines under her eyes, and her eyes were a little puffy. It looked like if she did cry it wasn't for every long or she cried a long time ago.

            "Hey," I said. Jenny looked up at me and gave me a weak smile.

            "You know I thought Tyler would be mad at me, but damn Kane was madder than him," said Jenny, and she stepped inside of the house. I gave her a hug and she hugged me back.

            "You will have to tell me all about it," I said. Jenny nodded. We then walked into the living room and sat down on the couch. I saw Jenny took a deep breath, before she began.

            "Tyler was disappointed in me. He thought that I'm a better person than going off at a party and getting drunk," said Jenny.

            "Well you are, Jen," I said. Jenny gave me a weak smile.

            "I apologized to him for ditching him at homecoming a. And he replied with him saying that it hurt, but he also mentioned that maybe we could try the whole dating thing again. But this time no double dates. I agreed, and then Kane walked into the room," said Jenny.

            "Sorry, I should have held him back longer," I said. Jenny shrugged.

            "Well, he overhead what Tyler and I said, and he didn't like it at all," said Jenny. "Then I told him that he wasn't my dad and I could make responsible decisions on my own. He started screaming bout what happened last night, I guess he overhead that, too."

            "We you were really loud," I said.

            "Anyways, he started saying that since the parents are –" Jenny cut off short, and then she snapped her mouth shut.

            The parents are what, Jenny?" I asked. I knew what Jenny was going to say, but she didn't know that. Besides I told Kane that I couldn't tell Jenny that I knew about their parents.

            "Well, I-" said Jenny.

            "Jenny, just say it already! Ever since we went to the damn mall you wanted to tell me something but never got a chance," I said. I was kind of pissed off at Jenny for not telling me before, and I had to hear it from her brother. Jenny should have been the one to tell me.

            Jenny looked up from where she was starring at the ground. She met my eyes, and took another deep breath.

            "My parents are never home anymore. And since Kane is the 'man of the house' he's been acting like I'm a child and he has to take care of me. Which I don't, since I'm almost eighteen and I can date whoever I want to date," said Jenny.

            I felt bad for Jenny since she was right, but I also knew that Kane was only protecting his sister. That's what siblings do for each other. And I would never have that protection.

            "Jenny, you are right. You should be allowed to date whoever you want, but Kane is just looking out for you. And he feels like he needs to be the parent. Give him some time and he'll come around for you dating Tyler," I said. Jenny looked at me and gave me a hug.

            "Audrey, you always know what to say to make a girl cheer up," said Jenny. I smiled.

            "Thanks," I said. That's when I heard the doorbell ring for the second time that day. I sighed and released the hug from Jenny. I got off of the couch and answered the door.

            Standing there was Miley, Val, and Dana. I knew what they were there for, and I knew we had to hurry. Val had a curfew and I promised her that we were going to get her back home on time.

            And that was a promise I wasn't going to break.

♥                                                                     ♥                                                                 ♥

            Right on the dot of nine o'clock, I pulled up into the driveway of Val's house. I smiled at her and she said a quick good bye and jumped out of the car. I waited for her until she got inside, and then I pulled out of the driveway.

            The reason I got to her house, so close to nine was because we ran into some problems. One, somebody was having a party, so I had to park a good five blocks away from the school. I should have just walked from my house and I would have been there quicker. And the second one was who should keep the recorder. We were arguing about that for a good ten minutes, until I finally stopped it by saying we needed to get it first. Then they all decided that I should keep the recorder. Something about my idea, so I should keep it. I really didn't want to, but I agreed.

            The last problem was when we were going to listen to the recorder. Since we didn't have time to listen to it today, when should we listen to it? I suggested tomorrow, but Dana said something about her having practice. So we had to push the date all the way back to Wednesday.

            When we got those problems settled, I had to go over the speed limit just to get Val home on time. I was praying that I wouldn't get pulled over and then get a speeding ticket. My parents would not be happy about that, not to mention I wouldn't have enough money to pay for it. Luckily, we did not pass any cops.

            I dropped off Dana and Miley, next. Then finally, I dropped off Jenny. It was almost ten by the time I made it to her house. I sighed, when I parked the car in her driveway. I noticed that she had already two cars in the drive way. I guess Kane had friends over.

            "Fuck Kane. He's allowed to have friends over, now? But I'm not allowed to go to a party," muttered Jenny.

            "Hey, he's watching out for you. Now get your ass out of my car. I'm tired and I need to go to bed," I said. Jenny gave me a dirty look, and I smiled back at her.

            "You know Auds, you didn't have to get up so early," said Jenny.

            "Yeah, well tell that to your brother and Tyler," I said. Jenny laughed.

            "Bye. See you Wednesday. Remember, don't listen to that recorder before us," said Jenny. I nodded. I waited until she got inside of her house, and then drove home.

            I finally got inside my own house, and I went into my room. I quickly changed into some PJ's. I took the recorder out of my jeans pocket. I placed it on my dresser. I took one long look at it.

            I really wanted to listen to it. I really did. Maybe there would actually be some dirt on it. I mean yeah the last two it had some dirt on it, but I wanted something worse than those other things. I shook my head. I was going crazy.

            I got in my bed and turned off the light. I sighed. I was seriously going crazy. I closed my eyes, but my head would not stop thinking about that recorder. I opened my eyes.

            Maybe, just one quick listen wouldn't hurt anyone.

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