The Locker Room: Chapter Eight: Picture of Val

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This chapter is horrible. So I was planning on then listening to the recorder for the first time, bu then I decided against it. But I have a goal to make each chapter three pages, and right now it's only one and a half pages long. :( But whatever...I'm going to post it anyways. I can't figure out a scene to add at the end either, so its just going to be this short. Also, I promise next chapter they WILL listen to the recorder for the first time. If I ever write it since I'm going to be busy. Also, I just want to mention that if you guys have any ideas what to add at the end of this chapter, talk to me about it. I was thinking about Kane getting drunk and Audrey having to pick him up, but it doesn't work the for story. So that's out of the question. XD

Comment, vote, and enjoy!

Chapter Eight

            I have always hated school. School is boring, and teachers don't understand how some people learn. It was just too hard to listen to their boring voices. I learned that senior year was going to be no exception, even though I'm going off to college next year. Actually, most of my teachers expected me to work twice as hard.

            The first two weeks of school, was a little hard. I already had an essay in English, which I got a C on. I already had two tests in math; I barely got a B- on. History and science wasn't going much better for me either. I was just getting an A- in both of those classes.

            The only thing that was really going right for me was my art class. It was just so easy just to sit there, and draw whatever you wanted every single day. The art teacher really didn't care what we drew, just that we tried really hard and we'll get an A. I drew butterflies, hearts, and stars mostly. Just basic shapes. Once in a while I would draw stick figures, but I never turned those in.

            I had a friend in every single class, but I knew deep down all I really wanted was for Jenny to go to my school. It was a pang in my heart every single time I didn't see her seating at my lunch table, or when I didn't see her in the halls. I tried to think of the brighter side of things, the phone calls at the end of every single day.

            I haven't seen Kane or any of his friends since Sunday. I was still mad at Tyler for saying all those horrible things about me, but I couldn't help thinking who did I stab in the back? Every single day I asked myself that question. I always came up with the same answer, no one. It didn't help that I didn't even know Tyler. I couldn't stop thinking about him and it drove me nuts.

            What got me through the days, though, was talking to Jenny. She would always tell me about her high school, and how nobody cared about senior year. They barely had homework! She would tell me funny stories about her and her other friends. It would make my day, and finally I was going to see her today.

            I could have seen her Friday, but she was going to a party and the party scene isn't really my thing. This time we were meeting at my house to get the recorder. My parents were home already, but were sleeping. I never really see them anymore, and it was so normal to me. Besides I was eighteen, so technically I wasn't breaking any rules.

            I already had on my black clothes, and in my pocket I had the extra tape. I couldn't wait until we listened to the other tape tonight.

            What seemed like an hour, but actually was only a few minutes, the doorbell rang. I actually ran to the door, which I haven't done since I was seven. I always ran to the door to see who it was, and I was always disappointed when it wasn't one of my friends. When it was though, I was ecstatic.

            "Let's go, hurry up your ass," said Miley. I noticed that everyone was there standing out my door. I quickly grabbed my purse, and locked the door to my house. I walked down to my car and got in.

            I was excited, and so was everyone else, I could feel it in the car. I drove to the high school, at the speed limit. There was no way I was going to get a ticket and be fount wearing all black along with all my friends. That would be embarrassing.

            I finally reached the high school in ten minutes. Like last time I parked two blocks away, but this time we actually quietly ran to the high school. Once we reached the doors we let Jenny do her magic trick, to pick the lock.

            When we finally got to the boy's locker room, it smelled even more like Axe than last time. I actually coughed this time, and Dana was holding it in. I could tell. I gave Jenny a look.

            "What? Gym was tough this week," said Jenny. I sighed. We quickly found the same bench as last time.

            "We need to figure something else than this shoulder thing," muttered Val. She was right, and I wasn't going to argue with her, this time. Besides Val was probably the smartest one out of us. I bet she didn't get a C on her first English essay, and if I remembered correctly she got an A.

            "Totally, but we don't have time now," I whispered. I got on the bench, and just like last time everyone, but Miley climbed onto me. Jenny still had to stand at the top, but this time our balance was actually pretty good. No one shifted their weight, but the weight was killing me.

            "Got it," said Jenny. I saw her put the ceiling back in place, and I felt her climb down. I looked over at Miley and I saw her covering her eyes with her hands. I never knew she did that.

            "Miley," I whispered. She looked at me through her fingers. "What are you doing?"

            "I can't watch you guys," she replied simply. I just nodded and noticed that no more weight was on my shoulders. I got off of the bench and started to walk towards the door. Everyone followed after me, and Jenny made sure the door was locked.

            "We have to watch this back at Audrey's house," said Jenny. We nodded and we got out of there. I never looked back once. I just knew this would be one of the best sleepovers I'll ever have. And it was all thanks to one little recorder, and Val's brilliant idea.

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