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 "I GOT HER!!!!!" Groose's voice cried out as he took a tumbling dive into the pit to catch Zelda. The force knocked him over, but he had caught her. Groose coughed heavily, trying to regain his breath, and holding a shaky thumbs-up to you with a grin.

The tension that threatened to explode your heart receded when you knew Zelda was safe, but the demon king easily turned it back to fear, "Hmm?... So you and those other humans would stand before obliteration to aid the goddess, would you? How curious... The humans I've known were weak things. Hardly more than insects, shivering under rocks and ready to flee at the mere sight of me. How amusing to think those cowards begot someone like you."

Your stomach leapt in your throat at the thundering laughter. A heat boiled beneath your face as your anger rose... Who did this monstrosity think he was!? That he would openly mock the very existence of your being, your souls! You didn't realize you had advanced in anger before Link stopped you, grabbing your arm and stepping forward in challenge.

The demon king's eyes narrowed, "You grow more fascinating by the second, humans. I never imagined I'd meet one of your kind who wished to stand against me in battle, let alone a woman... I can see how you tricked my slave into seduction. Very well, then I shall prepare a place for us where we will not be bothered by distractions. If you still have the courage to face me, seek me there."

He paused, glancing at you with yellow unkempt teeth, "And to make the decision more enticing, I shall require a little collateral..."

Your eyes went wide when you realized what he meant, but it was too late... Thick trails of black smoke, slithered across the ground towards you, swirling around your feet and crawled up your legs. You struggled against them in terror, squirming with all your might, letting out a short yelp of fear. Link slashed at them, but the sword went right through. You couldn't move your limbs anymore and your could feel your body being lifted off the ground towards the demon king.

In a frenzied panic your cried out, "Link, HELP!!!"

Link rushed at him, but was kept at bay with a short blast of blue electricity. The demon king sneered,"Pathetic human...I've waited eons to return! I can spare a few more moments to let you decide."

The smoke billowed around you and the demon king, leaving a stench like decaying meat in the back of your throat. Before your vision was blocked out, you muffled a echoing cry before the world blacked out...

Groose's P.O.V: "___!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as she disappeared into the smoke with that... creature!!!! It faded away into the wind, like they were never here. All of us, Pipit and Link raced to where they stood. A swirling mass of black and purple appeared. A portal I'm guessing to where Link would fight the demon king. I nearly forgot about Zelda and almost dropped her if she hadn't moaned. She looks like she's in so much pain so I knelt down, laying her head on my lap. Her features reminded me of ___, and a terrible heat rose in my gut, "I'm coming with you, Link!!"

I sneered in thought of what I'd do to that big ugly if I had the chance... Link looked at me fiercely, "NO! This is between me and him!"

That little twerp! If he thinks he can get between me and ___ he's wrong! "So this is all about you now, isn't it!? The gallant knight of the goddess must go and face his foe alone and rescue the maiden!"

Link hissed at me, "You haven't learned a bit from ___ have you!? You're still that school bully who always gets what he wants when he wants! Has it occurred to you that ___ might not want you?"

I stood up forcefully in anger, Zelda limp in my arms. The moment was so overwhelming I didn't know what I was doing!

Pipit's P.O.V: "Stop it, the both of you!!" I limped over to my two friends, surprised at the power behind my voice. The pain in my shoulder numbed me, and I felt dizzy from all the blood I lost, but I still stood between them. "Groose, get ahold of yourself... Zelda."

I gestured to our dear friend in his arms. He was practically crushing her. He immediately loosened his grip and passed her on to a fellow knight, "Sorry..." He sighed, "I just hate the thought of losing ___."

I didn't want that thought in my head, seeing flashes of ___ screaming in pain across my mind. I shook off that terror before it made me sweat, "As do I! But you have to trust Link when he says he'll bring her back! I'm in no shape to fight... and neither are you." I nodded towards a large open gash in his leg. I was surprised he could even walk still. Groose noticed his wound finally and the pain of realization hit him and he nearly fell to the ground.

Link's P.O.V: Groose almost fell when he saw his wound. My instincts kicked in and I stopped him before he hit the ground. I smiled, "Might've been better if you never realized you had one..."

Groose looked at me and grinned through the pain, "Just bring her back."

"You know I would die before I'd let anything happen to her!"

Groose avoided my gaze, "That's what I'm afraid of.."

A million thoughts crossed my mind. Memories of us together, her strength and courage, her beauty and spirit. How much she has done for me. My love for ___ burned tracks through my head. I'd die for her... I smiled to myself, "I guess she has us all head-over heels..." A harsh memory flashed into existence: a pale figure leaning over ___, his tongue flickering her jaw in lust... and I remembered him! Ghirahim! In fury I snapped my head over to look at the fallen lord. I crossed the pit in long strides, bracing my sword... I could kill him for all he's done!

Ghirahim's P.O.V: I pushed myself up on my hands and knees, every bone in my body shaking... mortal weakness was all too familiar. I dared to feel the empty space in my chest. The cavern between my ribs felt... I can't say. I don't feel anything! I pressed my fingers into my neck... No pulse... Suddenly, Link was racing over to me. He grabbed my throat and forced me to the ground, "This is all your fault!" He dug the point of his sword into my flesh. All I felt was a slight pressure, and I could tell Link noticed. No heart, no blood. It was like I was the walking dead, "If you want to kill me, you're going to have to get his sword first... It's my heart..." I sneered, staring into his soul. At least I still have that one power to search his feelings. Link knew it was pointless and shoved me to the ground, "Shackle him 'till we return! And put him in your best prison cell!" He ordered a couple guards. I was still too weak to resist as I was dragged away. Link took that fatal step into the portal... The demon king would surly kill him.

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