Lanayru Sea

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 "Do you really think Pipit will keep his word?" You asked Link as you crawled out of the tunnel leading to the Isle of Songs. You had just learned the nest song on your harp, Nayru's wisdom, and were heading to the trial gate in the desert.

"I don't know," Link responded, "I'm worried if he does though. I don't want any more of my friends in danger."

Trying to comfort him, you placed your hand on his shoulder. He looked at you with warm eyes and smiled. Being reminded of the night before, you grinned awkwardly and turned away. The situation hadn't left you completely speechless, but it still felt strange being around him with new thoughts. The both of you leaped off the Isle, calling for your loftwings. The faithful birds appeared beneath you, and you were soon off to the Lanyaru desert. It was easy finding the trial gates, but the trial itself was no less terrifying than the last. The entire desert was filled with guardians, and you had to creep slowly around them hoping they didn't notice you.

When the last of the tears has been collected and you headed back to the gate with Link, a strange feeling came over you as your spirits grew. You weren't sure what it was, but it made you want to face the challenges of the world head on. Granted with a new gift from the goddess, a pair of clawshots, you eagerly headed over to a place that had been un-explorable. The cliffs of Lanyaru. You quickly found out it was only possible for one to use the clawshots, so you clung to Link's back as he bounced from cliff to cliff finally reaching the sand seas. It felt more like a desolate wasteland, and you made your way over to the deserted metal docks.

At the end of the pier, a small boat half covered with sand and rusted with age sat, just waiting to be uncovered. Brushing off some of the sand, you saw a familiar deep blue object set into the heart of the deck, "A timeshift stone!" You called out in earnest to Link and pounded it with your fist.

Instantly a blue circle grew around the boat, the sand and the dock, turning it all back into itself. Clear blue waters penetrated the sand about the boat, and the rocky figure of a robot jumped to life. The robot spoke drowsily as if it just awoke from a deep sleep, "Hmm...Who are you, bzzt? Some humans, vrrrm?"

Link knelt down beside it, "Yeah, and you?"

"I am the proud skipper of the ship that protects Nayru's flame, phweep!" He buzzed.

You glanced behind you to the small boat floating in the water, and the robot laughed mechanically, "Oh, no. Not that old tub, bzzt. My real ship was attacked by pirates who coveted the flame. They imprisoned my crew and threw me into the sea, vrrm!" He turned to the two of you, "I've bet they've turned the ship invisible! You should help me! That way I can help you, phweep!"

Looking at Link you shrugged, but were interrupted by the Skipper, "You're going to need a proper sea chart though. I have one at my retreat. So come on, vrrm, let's shove off!" He bounced into the small boat and you both followed hesitantly.

With a roar, the boat sprung to life as it flew across the crystal waters towards the retreat. Next to flying, it was almost as exhilarating as the first time you flew with your loftwing. The sea wind combed your hair as you clung to the side of the boat. Even though ancient time existed only near the time stone, you could still smell the salt in the air. The Skipper slowed the boat to a halt next to the docks of his retreat, "My house is all the way at the top, brzzt." He continued as you both glanced up into the sun at the towering peaks, "Sorry I can't come with you, but I'm a bit grounded here." He gestured to the timeshift stone.

"That's ok," You replied, "We won't take long."

In fact, it took you a bit longer than you expected, the path was treacherous and riddled with monsters, but it's not like it could stop either of you. Reaching his home, the door was so rusted with age you had to break it down to get inside, which was almost worse than the outside. Sand was pilled up in every corner, and you had to dig your way into the chest that held the sea chart.

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