Demon Lord

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You gripped the hilt of your sword, feeling the blood pump through your fingers. In truth you were terrified. You never actually met someone who could kill you in Skyloft. In fact there wasn't anyone that ever threatened your home, only the occasional monster. Ghirahim could tell you were frightened, and kept a cool grin as he walked towards you with no weapon. You could tell he wanted to laugh as a red glow illuminated from his hand reaching out to you. Puzzled by his actions, you swallowed your fear and saw an opening. Seizing it, you slashed at his side. You hit something hard, feeling the jolt go through your shoulder. You realized Ghirahim had caught your blade between his fingers and held it there with a tight grip. Trying to wrench it free, you started to panic at the thought of his strength.

The adrenaline from your thoughts gave you enough strength to wrench your sword from his grasp. Ghirahim kept his grin and walked towards you again, his hand glowing red once more. As he got closer, you tried to take another hit, but again you were met with his steel grip. You put all your weight into his grip, staring him in the face with defiance. He chuckled, "The least you could do is make this entertaining."

You didn't bother to retort as he mocked you, "Well if you won't," He leaned in closer to your face and pushed you against the wall of the temple, "Then I guess I'll have to..." All of a sudden, Ghirahim's lips were against yours in a chilling kiss.

Your fear of the fight quickly turned to anger at this worm's actions, and your instincts were turned on full blast. You kneed him the gut, and sliced downward to regain your sword, pushing him off you, "You cur!"

Ghirahim grinned, glancing at his hand. Blood oozed through his white glove between his fingers where he held your blade, "I thought that might wake you up a bit," He licked his lips with his snake-like tongue, "Now it gets interesting." He came at you again with his glowing hand.

Your fear was still there, but was very faint, now replaced with instincts. This time, you faked a blow to the right and quickly moved to his other side for the true blow. It was a little slow and Ghirahim ducked your blade, bounding back yards as you tried to strike. He came at you again, but this time you learned. Feigning your blow, you managed to take a slash at his shoulder as you felt your blade make contact. Jumping back again, Ghirahim glanced at his wound, "Looks like your improving. Let's up the challenge."

He snapped his fingers, and a dark saber appeared in front of him. Taking it in his grasp, he advanced towards you again. This was something you were a little more familiar with, but the way of the saber was different from the straight swords you trained with. Keeping a good distance, you waited for his attack, but he just kept advancing. You didn't wait any longer and made the first move, which he blocked easily. He moved back to the other side of the room, and snapped his fingers once more. Five floating daggers appeared in a glowing red light, and you suddenly remembered you didn't carry a shield. The first dagger came soaring towards you and you managed to avoid in, rolling out of the way. As you got back to your feet you felt a burning pain slash through your arm. Gripping it out of instinct, you removed your hand which was stained with blood. Distracted for a moment, you felt two more slices on your body from the daggers. One on your leg, and the other on your neck. They were mere scratches, but they stung as they came in contact with your sweat.

You saw Ghirahim walk back towards you, and you pretended to be distracted by your wounds. When he was close enough, you took a few more slices. Most of them he blocked, but the last was a hit to his leg. He grinned again and snapped his fingers once more, this time vanishing from your sight. Your eyes darted around the room looking for him. You could hear his laugh echo around you, and suddenly a searing pain launched it's way to your head from your back. A black fog surrounded your vision as you collapsed to the floor. You grew hot and dizzy, but could still see most of what was in front of you. You heard the soft chuckle behind you, and could feel Ghirahim kneel behind your back.

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