Seed of Lies

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 Jogging down the steps, you both emerged in an enormous cavern. Sunlight burst through the ceiling, lighting up every corner of the golden temple. It wasn't near as heart racing as the last few temples. It was actually rather peaceful. Following your instincts, you started to realize how dangerous it really was. The upside of the whole thing was that you got a new weapon of choice. A mighty whip, which you found you were really good at.

The part that would haunt your sleep for decades to come consisted of what lied beneath the ancient cistern. Walking through a door, you and Link found yourselves in a dark set of underground caves. Pools of acid bubbled before you, overhung by stalag-tights.

You gripped the hilt of your blade, smelling something rotten, "Something doesn't feel right about this place."

"Come on." Link cautiously stepped forward onto the hard stone.

Suddenly in every direction, beings crawled up from the ground, followed by a stench like rotting flesh. Just the mere sight of them made your heart race. Blocking your fear like you always did while facing enemies, you lunged into battle alongside Link, slashing at the beasts. To your horror, the dead rose again, their bodies torn and bloody, mouth open, longing for your flesh. Link experienced the same except a fatal blow from his sword vanquished them. One after another appeared, replacing the dead.

"There's too many of them!" You screamed.

Link slashed away at the undead, "RUN!" He yelled, sprinting for another set of caves.

Once or twice a clammy hand gripped your legs, but your adrenaline immediately caused you to slice at the creatures limbs. The nest few minutes of your life were spent running through rock, maneuvering the acid and crevices. Finally, you lost sight of the monsters, and you had a chance to rest on a jut of rock overlooking a pit. It was the only area where sunlight penetrated the darkness. To your surprise, a rope dangled from the opening above the pit, disappearing into the light.

"We should climb out of here. There's not much else we can do." Link said, finally catching his breath. Sheathing his sword, he dropped into the pit.

You sighed, hoping you didn't have to face any more of the undead for a while. Strapping your bow to your back, you leaped into the pit after him. Your feet sank immediately into soft ground, and the area reeked like the undead. Taking a closer look at the ground, you wanted to scream as you tried to release your feet. You managed a yelp, and Link turned around, "What?"

"The floor!" You yelled, scurrying up a rock. And yes, you had a right to. The floor was the source of the stench. Decaying bones and flesh were pounded together to make the bottom of the pit, unfortunate victims of the undead.

When Link noticed it, he cringed and you could tell he also was disturbed. He quickly ran to the rope and hung on it, "The only way out is up!" He started the long climb towards the light.

Trying your best not to touch the floor, your feet flew over to the rope, but once your fingers clasped around it, the floor heaved, revealing an army of the undead. Your heart beat as fast as it would allow as you scurried up the rope, hoping they couldn't jump. They didn't, they grabbed hold of the rope and climbed after you, saliva dripping from their jaws. The terror you felt when you realized their speed gripped you, stopping your breath for moments. The light grew greater, freedom was at hand, until a sweaty claw clamped onto your ankle.

Frantic, you tried to kick the beast off, but before it fell it dug its teeth into your calf, ripping your flesh. You screamed in pain. Even though it wasn't deep, the saliva stung your muscles. When you thought this nightmare would never end, Link grabbed your wrist and heaved you over the edge into the light of the ancient cistern. Trying desperately not to cry, you hung onto Link, bracing yourself for the monsters to follow. They didn't. You could breath again, but that nightmare would forever haunt your memory. All you wanted to do was rest safely in Link's arms.

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