The Mob

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You could feel the vibrations beneath you as the entire town came running! Getting to your feet you saw everyone standing and shouting at you. The merchants, the guards, the kids at the academy, and even your teachers. Gaepora pressed himself through the crowd, silencing them to normal levels and grabbed Link's shoulders, "What are you three doing!? You could've killed someone or yourselves! Not to mention you could've blasted our temple out of the sky!"

Link tried to speak up, "Headmaster, please, we didn't know it was going to do that! It was our clue to finding the Triforce."

Gaepora nearly swallowed his mustache, "Sh! Don't mention that aloud! What did I tell you?!"

"Triforce? Headmaster, what is going on?!" A guard demanded.

One of your classmates yelled out, "Yeah! And why is Link and ___ involved with this?! They're never in class anymore!"

"They've been on the surface! Battling demons and monsters!" A creaky old voice exclaimed.

A huge commotion broke out among them, and you bit your lip in worry. How would you get out of this?! Rumors spread like wildfire, "You should've seen the fight at the pumpkin place! I heard a white demon was found in ___'s dorm one night! They disappear below the clouds and come back possessed! They're bringing evil to our land!"

"Please, Everyone! Calm down!" Gaepora did his best, but it only resulted in more confusion.

A group of girls in your class sauntered over to you, "How many men have you seduced Lady ___?"

"Excuse me?!" You bite back, outraged, but they continue, "I hear she has turned to the dark...a vampire....A mistress to that white demon... She leads men into traps so she can suck them dry. That's why Groose hasn't come back, and Link and Pipit are next!"

Just when you were about to blow your top at everyone, a voice screamed over the crowd, "SILENCE!!!!!"

Pipit gritted his teeth as he stepped towards the murmuring crowd. You glared at the few girls who backed off, "You want the truth, you'll have it! No more secrets!" He glanced over at Link, who gave him a nod. Pipit licked his lips, doing his best to hold in his anger, "Listen, most of the stories are true! Link and ___ have been to the surface multiple times..."

"I knew it! I've never sold more potions in my life!" The shop keeper claimed.

Pipit ignored the interruption, "But not to bring back evil! They have been chosen by the goddess to protect this land. From what exactly I don't know, except I met part of it. Yes, there is a white demon, who lies, tricks, and plans to kill each one of us if they don't succeed!" He gestured to the both of you, "At least give them enough respect to carry on!"

Link walked up next to Pipit, "I know we haven't been completely honest with you, but I swear when this is over we'll tell every bit of it, and all of it the truth! Now I'm certain that we will be heading into a great battle to protect this land and our goddess! Possibly today or tonight. All I can ask is for your support, and you might just be able to hear the end of our tale."

Silence... Only whispers were exchanged. You hoped it wasn't more gossip about anything... especially your personal life! Finally Instructor Owlan came to the front, speaking calmly, "I've heard many tales of old warriors fighting beasts on the surface. The place our ancestors spilled so much of their blood trying to protect. Now I finally want to see what we've been missing. I'm with you all the way!!"

"You can count on me." Pipit grinned at you.

"As are we!" A group of knights came forward, bracing their weapons.

You smiled as people slowly came over to your side, and pretty soon the entire town was ready for anything, even the little kids got excited!

Link turned to Gaepora, "Are you Ok with this?"

The Headmaster sighed, "It seems there is no choice. For my Zelda!"

You never saw a smile brighter than Link's as he relayed instructions, "I'm glad I have my family to back us up, but first we must try to see if we can settle this peacefully. We must locate the Triforce within that temple..."

You piped in, "If it doesn't work Pipit will come back with news of what to expect. Be prepared for battle just in case."

Pipit stared at you in surprise, "I'm coming with you?!"

You smiled, "Of course, we could use a messenger!" Pipit's smile grew so large, you blushed as he continued to stare at you.

"You have our support..." Gaepora looked at the two of you, "You have grown so much. I can hardly recognize the two scrawny youngsters who were chosen weeks ago."

It was your turn to smile this time as Link sighed, "Thank you Gaepora. Hopefully we'll have your daughter back by sundown." He looked at Pipit, "You coming?"

Pipit lost his smile and turned to the headmaster, "Am I still suspended?"

"Not if the heroes need you." He smiled in grace.

Your heart trembled with joy and anticipation as the three of you took off across the sky towards your final temple! The last of trials. The last of the headaches. The last of the treasures to be found... The last battle.

All of it turned out to be intricate puzzles, a mix of all the previous temples in one, but triple the danger! Stepping through the final door, blazing sunlight washed over your faces as you found yourselves on the top of the statue of the goddess. Each of you held a piece of the triforce. Glowing fragments of engraved gold, their power seeping and tingling through your gloves. Pipit's curious loftwing eyed them from afar, gliding ever closer for investigation with a squawk!

Fi appeared beside you, "Master, I believe a prayer is in order. To make it come to life, pray with all your heart and soul to the goddess to deliver this land from the threat you've fought so hard to contain."

Taking her advice and a deep breath, you closed your eyes besides Link and Pipit. Stretching out with your mind, and your soul, pleading for...

In the distance you heard the creaking and snapping of wood, and the rumble of a heavy mass in the distance. The entire statue shook, slowly tearing itself away from Skyloft and descending below the clouds!


I can't believe it! We have the whole of Skyloft on our side, and found the triforce! I'm not sure what is happening right now, but I hope it will defeat the imprisoned. I can't wait to just be normal again, even if this whole thing was incredible. And to tell ___ how I feel more elaborately this time...


I'm overjoyed right now!! My best friends trust me enough to help them in the most important part in their journey! The glimpses of what I've seen through the temple, is just hints of what they've been through. How did ___ take it? She is so brave and incredible... No wonder she was chosen by the goddess... :)


*running outside* What the heck!? This huge slap of rock is falling towards this temple! It looks almost like Skyloft! What is happening?! I'd better get inside!


They found the triforce... If I didn't have my alternative to this harsh ending, I'd be sick with anger! They may be able to defeat my master now, but I will resurrect him! And ___ will rule at my side. It's what I want more than ever!

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