The Pumpkin Landing

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"Come on, ___! Don't do this to me now!" A faint voice yelled in your thoughts through the darkness. You slowly were brought back to consciousness, blinking at the bright sunlight, "Oh, you're alive!" Link appeared in your vision, and hugged you tightly.

Groaning with confusion, you looked around, "What happened?" You tried to lift yourself into a sitting position, noticing everything had returned to normal, except the ship you were on was torn in half.

Link sighed, "I have no clue. We were fighting that squid and then you got hit, and then... I really don't know, but that beast is dead now. I thought you were dead for minute there."

"I felt dead...But I fell over the side of the ship... How'd I get back up here?"

Link shrugged his shoulders, "Like I said, I have no clue..." You glanced into the sunlight behind him, blinking as you faintly made out a tall figure, before it vanished, "I'm just glade you're alive!" Link sighed, "Oh, hey. We need to power up our weapons!" He gestured to a bright blue flame over near the edge of the ship, "Come on." He gave you his hand, and you took it, letting him help you to your feet.

Your head spun a little as you rose, trying to gain a bit of balance on the swaying deck which didn't help very much. As Link headed towards the flame, you glanced behind you, looking for your savior. You had a hunch, but immediately pushed it away. It was beyond everything his instincts allowed, he couldn't have saved you. Could he? Pushing all thoughts of this enigma behind you, you walked up next to Link, taking out your bow, preparing to purify it in the flames. Fi appeared and directed the fire. With the force and brightness of a thousand suns, your weapons burned an icy blue.

When it was finished, the bonfire shrunk and disappeared, leaving you both with even more elaborate weapons. It almost made you feel unworthy with it's beauty. Link admired his new sword, "We better get back to the Skipper and explain the situation," He sheathed his weapon, and smiled, "Let's hope he isn't freaking out over what used to be his ship."

You smiled at his comment, "I hope robots don't have a temper.

It turns out the skipper was totally fine with everything, and he even buzzed about with joy as he took you back to the docks, "Thank you soo much!! Bzzrt! Even if you did demolish my ship, I still have my crew and something to work with!" He smiled, "I hope you two can find that person you're looking for! May we meet again in another life!" The Skipper's electric arm saluted you in thanks, and dropped you off, heading back to salvage his old ship.

Link smiled, "Well he took that a whole lot better than I thought he would," He turned to you, "You know what's next don't you?"

You thought for a moment and then remembered the next adventure ahead of you, "Oh brother, I hate those things."

Link sighed, "Yeah well, we have to do it. I hate silent realms too, but..." He turned toward your way out of Lanayru, "You feeling up to it right now?" He asked.

You sighed in exhaustion, "To be honest I'm starving like a dog!

Laughing, Link nodded his head, "I hoped you'd say that! I'm craving some steaming hot pumpkin soup right about now. You?"

You smiled, "You read my mind perfectly!" Your stomach agreed with you in earnest. The pumpkin landing was known for the best. It would be a great place to unwind before another life threatening adventure. The journey there felt like it took forever, but once your feet touched the island, you could smell the famous soup! Honey, spices and rich vegetables wafted your way. Hastily you made your way inside to a table, and ordered two of the biggest bowls of soup they could offer. The hot soup made it's way through your entire body, giving you so much more energy. You hadn't realized how hungry you were until you finished.

Sitting back in total relaxation, Link sighed, "I almost don't even want to move after that!"

You chuckled as you sipped your favorite drink, just before a voice behind you almost caused you to spill it all, "So...You've returned." Whirling around, you turned to see Pipit's angry face as he spoke, "How was your adventure this time?" He snarled, clearly frustrated. You didn't even realize you were grabbing the hilt of your knife until you remembered Pipit wasn't an enemy.

Link stretched, flipping the hair out of his eyes, "Wet and sandy, but then again you wouldn't know would you?" He teased his best friend. You clenched your teeth. Right now wasn't the best time to start making fun of each other, especially with Pipit.

"Shut up, Link. I don't care how 'amazing' the surface is. Either way, you seemed to have lead everyone to their death down there, even Groose!" His voice slowly grew louder, and now everyone at the landing was staring at you.

"The Surface!!" An old man cried out from his place at the bar, "You two have been to the surface?!"

You groaned as you could feel an uproar growing as Link explained, "That's confidential, besides you know how much we like to make up stories!"

He pushed you out of your chair and toward the door, trying his best to avoid a confrontation. Pipit yelled after you as you left, "I will figure out how to get down there! You can't leave me in the dust forever!" His fury bogged down the air...


Maybe it really wasn't the best idea to go to the pumpkin place... or to have Pipit know about where we've been and what we've been doing... Now that the old men from the bar know about the surface, the entire population of skyloft is going to find out! Why they have to be such gossipers is beyond me. And why Pipit has to be so furious about not being told is even more frustrating. Can't he just accept the fact that ___ and I are going to make things right!?


I don't know why I'm so angry at the two of them!? But I can't help it! It's mostly because they keep on refusing to tell me what they are doing and why! If they need help, then I am the person to go to in Skyloft! It's like they don't trust me and that really hurts coming from ___! I thought she would respect me enough to at least let me in her circle of confidants! Now I guess the only way to figure all this out would be to find a way to get to the surface on my own!


I'm back to work again... Testing the mechanisms to my new machine and laying down the tracks for it. I found the incredible flowers down here that explode like bombs when they are thrown against something! These could definitely work for keeping Big Ugly at bay!... I've already kinda blew up part of the temple... Thankfully it was a ruin already and Grannie didn't seem to mind too much... Her heart gave her quite the scare though. Well, I guess all inventors have to go though some setbacks...


Now that I've shaken myself back to reality... Or in other words, kept my distance from ___ and focused my mind on the reason I am here... I still have to face the impending problem of Link and ___'s partnership. It still has the potential to destroy all chances of my master returning to rule. Now that I've seen the rage imbedded into their young skyloft friend... Yes... That will do nicely. Only anger can tear apart the relationship they have together, and this knight has a wonderful supply of it. I'll see what I can do to cheer him up shall I?

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