Fires of Eldin

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You could see the heat rise in waves before you as you trampled along the dry rock. Eldin bathed in heat. It was it's fuel for life that thrived on the flames. Creatures beyond your imagination lurked in every corner. Keese that could ignite themselves dove out of nowhere, almost catching your hair on fire. Lizards the size of dogs protected their hovel with streaks of fire. Trekking through the volcano left you sweaty and filthy. About half into the day, you realized that you had no clue as to where Zelda or the Earth Spring might be. In truth... You were lost in the middle of nowhere.

As you started to get back in touch with reality, an explosion sounded somewhere behind you. Ducking behind some rocks to avoid the flying shards, you glanced back up to see a figure appear out of the smoke. It was hard to make out, but the figure was tall, slender, and dressed in black. She looked up towards the volcano, and in one giant leap, flew over a great chasm where the ruins of an ancient bridge stood. Standing back up, you hoped that it was a clue to finding Zelda. Yeah, finding Zelda wasn't exactly the true reason you were doing this. It was more just to help your best friend.

Either way, besides Ghirahim, the whole situation didn't seems like such a threat. Maybe for Zelda and Link, but... what exactly did Ghirahim want Zelda for anyway? It's not like he would destroy the world. You were about to find a way across the chasm, when you heard voices behind the rocks that the figure had blown up earlier. You recognized one of them as Link's. He was here! Already! If you had a guide of some sort, maybe you'd've had a better head start. Rolling back into your hiding place, you peeked over the rocks to see where Link was. He stood right in front of you, surveying the situation.

Suddenly a rumble came from beneath your feet, and glancing over to the chasm, a great worn bridge slowly extended across the gap. Link seemed just as surprised as you were. A voice suddenly called out, "You, the goddess's chosen hero..." Looking to the top of the ruins, the figure in black stood, "Zelda is ahead... Hurry."

Link took no time to cross the bridge and head deeper into the heart of the volcano. You quickly followed him. It was nice that she extended the bridge, but now Link was ahead of you. Trying to follow his tracks, you raced up the side of the volcano, avoiding red bokoblin sentries as you got closer to the great temple. Heaving yourself over a ledge, you finally saw the gaping mouth of the temple through waves of heat. It had looked like Link already was inside.

Taking a deep breath, you ran down the temple steps. If only you knew how difficult it would end up being. Inside the temple you could see Link's progress as he moved quickly. Thanks to him, it was easier to move through than the last temple. After a while though, that feeling of being watched returned again. Something deep inside of you wanted to scream out, Ghirahim! In order not to start worrying, you tried to think of something else and hope it wasn't the demon lord. Eventually you came to a large set of doors with intricate engravings. Stepping through you heard loud sizzling and thumping noises.

Drawing your sword, you moved cautiously forward into a long room where a flaming rock spider thumped angrily up and down a pathway after Link. Like the boiling magma fuming beneath you, your instincts began to heat, and you grabbed a blue rock nearby and hurled it at the monster, "Pick on someone your own size!"

When the rock hit scaldera, it exploded, and the creature screamed with anger. You leaped down next to Link, who looked relieved but annoyed at the same time, "What are you doing here?!"

"Saving the 'chosen hero', what else?!" You smiled. It was hard to be mad at him in this situation.

Scaldera screamed once more, and began to charge towards you. Link grabbed your arm, "Come on!"

Putting all your strength in your legs you sprinted up the pathway after Link. You could feel the heat emanating off the monster as he charged up behind you. Suddenly Link lost his footing, and fell face down on the stone. Trying to grab Link, you had to stall for a few moments, which was more than enough for Scaldera. Its molten feet caught your hip and Link's shoulder. You both cried out in pain. It felt like your flesh was being pierced by a molten blade. Scaldera roared in triumph and was about to stomp the both of you again, when Link reached into his bag and pulled out one of the bomb flowers, hurling it at the monster's eye.

It exploded, and with a final scream of terror, Scaldera fell to the earth and dissipated. You laid next to Link breathing hard, "Perfect shot." You smiled.

Link stood with struggling energy, "You shouldn't be here."

Sighing, you ignored his comment, "Don't you have to find Zelda?"

Link remembered in a flash, and he moved quickly up the pathway and through another door. Limping up the path, you tried not to put weight on your charred hip as you raced after him. You emerged in another temple very similar to the first. Water tumbled over into the base of the temple, and the statue of the goddess was near the top of the stairs. Stopping next to Link, you glanced up seeing two figures. One was the woman in black, and the other was Zelda dressed in glowing white. Behind them was a pillar of light which the woman gestured Zelda to go to.

Zelda hesitated for a moment, then something made her turn around. When she caught sight of Link she smiled, "Link!"


I knew it! I just knew ____ would follow me down here! In fact I actually think she got here before me, got lost and then stalked me into the temple! Right about now, I could blow my top off at ___, but the fact that I've caught up to Zelda is more than enough to calm me down. Now I can truly do my job and protect her in whatever she needs. Protect her from the Demon Lord... He's turning out to be more of a threat than I thought. A threat to all of us, especially ___... I didn't like the way he handled himself with her.


Again, they've been gone the whole day... What's up with them anyway? I know we all care about Zelda, but this behavior is a bit... well... eccentric. There are only so many places you can search in Skyloft. I don't like thinking of it, but it's still a possibility... What if Zelda fell to the surface? Below the cloud barrier?! It's always a risk everyday, but that means she's dead! She has to be! No one can survive a drop like that! I-I don't want to, but I think I should tell them to give it up... There's only so much we can do.


Rumors have been going around that the search parties are going to be called off... They can't just give up like that!! What if Zelda's still out there!? ___'s got the right idea. She's still looking for her! She's always been a loyal friend. The kind we used to be before I kinda... she'd say 'became the school bully.' I just want to be recognized ya know! For everything I've worked so hard for! I just my biggest mistake with that was loosing ___ as a friend... That, I regret.


I'm keeping my eyes on the both of them... Link is stronger than I had apprehended, so I will need to boost the challenge. Now as far as I know, this girl ___ is on Link's side, but from what I've gathered about her, she might be persuaded. She seems like the girl who craves a bit of excitement, and I'm certainly the one who can give it to her if she wants. ;) She has the courage, the strength, the spirit, but also this incredible amount of decency in her though... I might have to show her the side of her that craves such elation.

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