Calm Before The Storm

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You took in a cleansing breath, full of gray mist. The cool feeling of dew condensing all over your skin as you passed through heavy rain clouds. Your balance was keen as you emerged into the surface below. The feeling of victory never tasted so sweet when you saw the imprisoned emerge from its seal just in time to roar in fear at the looming mass of rock. Its squeal rang loud over the land as it was crushed! Buried alive! Sealed for all eternity!

Dust and black smoke shot from the edges of the pit where the statue fit perfectly, disintegrating into thin air. It was finished! You defeated the threat upon your land and your people, and all that was left was to wake Zelda.

You turned to Link, "Did we do it? Are we really done?"

You could tell Link found it hard to believe as well, "I won't believe it until we wake Zelda! Come on!" He grabbed your hand and went to leap off the edge.

You just managed to grab Pipit's before you glided to the earth. The entire temple area was so different, you almost got lost trying to get to the door. You finally saw what it was supposed to be like. And it was gorgeous, even in ruins! Racing through the temple doors, you startled Groose as you flew by towards the two large doors where Zelda lay encased in amber. You weren't afraid to accompany Link this time. Hearing the confused conversation between Groose and Pipit, you stepped into the chamber to see the goddess fast asleep.

In the presence of the chosen, the amber began to crack, squealing like glass ready to shatter. In an array of orange shards, Zelda burst forth from her frozen sleep, and glided slowly down the steps to meet you. Opening her eyes, when she saw you she smiled warmly, "Good morning, Link, ___." She cooed.

Neither of you could think of what to say, but just linked arms on either side of her and walked out into the temple. You could see the surprise on Pipit and Groose's features when they saw Zelda. Groose even looked like he was about to burst into tears. You let go of Zelda and walked over to Pipit, avoiding the crushing group hug Groose brought to Link, Zelda and the old woman.

"That was it? It's finished? No huge battle?" Pipit asked.

You sighed, a bit relieved, "Surprisingly yes. I was kind of expecting more of a fight from..." You caught yourself just before you mentioned Ghirahim.

Though it wasn't quick enough, Pipit looked at the floor, "From that Demon Lord..."

"Yeah," You fiddled with your clothes, still a bit uneasy, "Maybe he was killed along with the imprisoned..."

Zelda's voice interrupted your thoughts, "My heroine..." She looked at you with such kindness and ran towards you arms outstretched.

A flash of bright light followed by the deafening noise of an explosion erupted between you. You were thrown back, tossed to the floor with a hard *thud.* Your head cracked against the stone, tossing the universe in your sight. Everything spun as you tried to get a clear view of what happened. Through the ring in your ears you heard a laugh that shattered all your hopes, but created a new one. Ghirahim was still alive! Zelda!! Blinking away the stars, you looked over to see a tilted view of the demon lord.

His eyes shot through yours as he grinned, "This is all very touching, really, but I'm afraid I have to cut this emotional moment short." You glanced next to you, to see Pipit glaring in anger at the demon lord. You could tell his senses weren't as they should be.

Ghirahim chuckled, "It's best for everyone if you forget about your friend. The little goddess is mine now! My master may have perished in this age, but in the past he lives yet! I'm taking the girl back through that gate to help me revive the demon king!" You finally overcame the dizziness and tried to stand, but your limbs felt like putty. Lifting Zelda off the floor with magic, Ghirahim hoisted her over his shoulder, "You've been so terribly dogged in your quest to get in my way, and as much as it has delighted me, I can no longer tolerate you nipping at my heels."

Zelda limply stared at you and Link, helpless in the arms of the demon lord, "...Help..."

You got to your hands and knees, gripping your sword, "No!" You managed to force out.

You were met with a wide, seductive grin, "Don't worry, ___. I'll come back for you, but I just have to give you a fighting chance first."

"Argh!" Link cried out in anger as he drew his sword and stood on two shaky legs.

Ghirahim's smile disappeared, met with clenched teeth, "...You know, boy, you've really pushed me too far. The moment I sweated and bled for is at hand. I don't even have time to grind my heel into a worm like you. Not now..." In a flash he vanished with Zelda. You knew he couldn't go anywhere without the gate of time... Where was he?! In an instant he appeared in front of Groose and the old woman who lay in front of the gate. Groose got to his feet in front of her, barring the way to the gate. His strength barely enough to keep him standing.

Ghirahim rolled his eyes, "Stand down. You're in my way, and the sight of your appalling hair makes my gorge rise." With ease he kicked them both aside with incredible balance. He opened the gate and halted, turning around to face each of you, "You've done a fine job of spoiling my plans to revive the demon king in this age, so I see no point in dawdling here. But the past... oh, the past...So full of possibilities! I shall resurrect him there with her soul!" He looked straight through you, "Try and make it easier on yourselves... I can't loose my future queen." With a last grin he backed into the gate and disappeared through time back to an age where the imprisoned still lived!


No!!! I knew he wouldn't give up that easily!! After all we've been through, the battles we've fought against one another. All he had to do was just show up and take Zelda!! And this time if we fail... He'll take __ as well!


*dazed* What the heck just happened!? We were all caught in that explosion and it's.... I'm so dizzy! ___ was right. Ghirahim did come back with quite the fight! That white demon has caused me enough pain, this time... He will NOT take away ___ as well!! I'll die trying to protect her!


Me: Just thought this pic was kinda cool. :) Pipit looks pretty good too!) Whoever this guy is, everyone but me seems to know how dangerous the situation is... *head throbbing* Oohh... I think I've got a clue now... ___ has told me stories about him, all very haunting... Now, I guess it's my turn to greet him personally and give him the best welcome gift I can dish out!


FINALLY!!!!!! This is the moment I've been waiting for! With Link out of the way and myself ruling by the demon king's side, I'll take ___ as my queen and have everything I could've ever wanted! I can't fail now!! Not after all I've been through!

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