Skyloft to the Rescue

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 Taking a shaky stand to your feet, you braced yourself against a pillar, "We have to stop him!"

Pipit held his throbbing head as he gained his balance, "Do want me to get the knights?"

Link nodded in deep thought, "Yes! Bring them through the gap in the clouds and into the gate. There's no telling what he might conjure up. This time we'll give Ghirahim all we've got!"

Pipit nodded as he turned to leave, whispering briefly to you, "Be careful!"

Finally gaining your strength back, you drew your bow, "You too..." Stepping up to the gate, Groose stood beside you, bracing his double edged sword, "There's no way I'm sitting out this one!"

Link took a deep breath, "And we won't stop you... Let's go."

Taking a running leap back through time, you appeared in a dark temple. A slender figure barely visible on the floor.

"Impa!" You ran to her, checking her vitals.

She was too weak to brush you aside, "Ugh...___...It's Ghirahim. He appeared out of nowhere and got the drop on me... You must chase after him! Zelda..."

"We'll get her back! A squadron of knights from Skyloft are coming to help. You don't have to worry." Link reassured her.

You grew more anxious with every moment that passed, "Come on!" You called, racing towards the doors making sure they followed.

The air was thick with the presence of the waiting storm that swirled overhead. It was like the pit spiraled through eternity, from the ground into the clouds, leaving an eerie green hue. Bracing your bow, you ran to the edge of the pit, wondering if Ghirahim took Zelda down to the sealing spike. Your presence was sensed immediately and a glowing zircon barrier materialized before you, blocking the easy way into the pit. Link and Groose had caught up to you, staring through the barrier into the pit below. You were able to get a distorted view of the two figures at the bottom.

Zelda lay motionless on the ground as Ghirahim circled her with some ancient dance, filling his bones with dark magic. Hovering his hands over her body, he raised them slowly, dragging Zelda with them. He smirked and looked up at you as he began his spell, crying out commands, "Hear me, my hordes! The spell is nearly complete! The demon King returns! Until then, you WILL keep those whelps from interfering with my ritual. I don't care if the whole lot of you get lodged on the end of their blades. You will buy me the time I need! Do not fear them... Fear my wrath if you fail me!"

Like the small daggers Ghirahim summoned from the air to tear you to shreds, hundreds of armed bokoblins appeared racing up the path towards you. The cries of battle rang in your ears, sending chills down your spine. You knew this time Ghirahim would wield every resource to stop you. Even if you found favor in his eyes, he wouldn't hesitate to do whatever he could to revive his king.

Facing the horde with all the courage you could muster, wondering if you would last through your first battle, a familiar screech burst from inside the temple. In a flash of bright feathers and fur, Pipit soared out of the temple with a galleon of knights behind him. His loftwing picked off the first few bokoblins like ants, screeching in victory while Pipit mastered his sword.

You joined the warrior cries of the galleon, feeling now like you were more evenly matched. With Link and Groose at your side, you raced into the front of the battle, slashing at your enemies with broad strokes and clubbing them with the end of your bow. The heat of battle burned your ears, the clashing of metal, the screaming, the yelling, the explosions of newly made black powder. Your sweat drenched your back and chest, mixing with the familiar blood of your enemies. You had to reach Zelda before Ghirahim completed that spell! But with every enemy you cut down, it felt like two more took it's place.

It was then you realized you weren't gaining any ground. You had to though! And fast, before the world came to an end! Frantically looking around, you managed to catch Pipit's eye. You knew he could see what lye so desperately inside your mind. With a sharp battle cry, his loftwing knocked aside his enemies and took to the skies. Taking one last strike at a nearby enemy, you sheathed your sword and reached to the clouds. Your body swept off the ground before you could get sliced in half. Pipit hoisted you up behind him and took off over the rolling hordes.

Holding onto his loftwing with your knees, you knocked and drew your bow, watching as enemies fell at your hand with a sickening jolt. The arrows pierced their armor and flesh instantly, and your knights were starting to advance again, raising a cheer to the two of you. A small smile crept onto your lips as the wind rustled your hair and Pipit's sparkling eyes met yours in joy. Your might just win this battle. The moment was cut short by a twang and Pipit's scream as the head of an arrow buried itself into his shoulder, just missing his heart. You gripped him so he wouldn't fall off, but a forest of arrows followed, bombarding your loftwing.

With a screech the bird wobbled mid-air and crashed in the middle of the horde, digging up the ground and crushing bones. Coughing, and a bit dizzy from the fall, you crawled over to Pipit who groaned in pain.

"Pipit! Pipit..." You couldn't think of anything else to say as you stared at the broken shaft of the arrow sticking into his chest.

Between sharp breaths, Pipit hissed through clenched teeth, "Hold me down..."

You knew what he said, but it didn't register, "What?!"

"Just hold me down!"

You shook your head as you held tightly onto his shoulders, knowing what he meant. After a few short breaths, Pipit grabbed hold of the shaft and slowly pulled it out of his shoulder. You could feel his body tense beneath you, wanting to tear away from your grasp. His beautiful eyes squeezed shut as he screamed, forcing out a tear. Finally the torture for both of you ceased as the arrow head appeared, the entire shaft soaked with his blood. The moment was so hard to bear, you didn't realize the amount of blood that died your hands and your lap.

Pipit got to his knees with a shudder, clutching his wound, "Go! I'll be alright! Zelda needs your help!"

You hesitated, and Groose suddenly appeared in front of you stained with the blood of his enemies, "Well come on, __! I've got your back!"

Getting to your feet, you turned to Pipit, "Stay safe!" You kissed his cheek and ran down the path after Groose. You could hear Pipit cry out, "Good Luck, __!"


I don't think I've ever fought harder in my life, and I wouldn't have the fire to do it if ___ wasn't in danger. I know she can take care of herself.... Whenever I got the chance I watched how she fought. With such passion and courage... It only gave me more strength.


*clutching shoulder* That was much closer than I wanted... I was worried my flight with ___ would be my last... Agh! I don't know how long I'll be able to last as a pincushion. I'd like to get my chance at that demon lord for everything he put me through... and for everything he put ___ through...


I feel like I'm finally putting my training to good use. It seems ___ has done a lot more for all of us than we can comprehend. My best friend has become quite the warrior, I just hope I'll live to see her grow into a legend.


That was the last thing I expected from those two... Bringing along every knight that could carry a sword. ___, and Link will still make it down here eventually... Hopefully I'll be able to finish my spell before then.... And when the demon king returns victory will be mine! Along with __.... If only she could just... see me for who I really am.

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