Unwelcome Visitor

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 Link's back faced you as you walked in. Your stubbornness, though driving your anger, didn't quite overlook the massive bruises on his back as he tended his wounds.

"Link! I don't care what you think of me, but you WILL listen to my half of the story!" Your tone of voice was harsh.

He sneered, turning to you, "And why should I listen to a traitor?!"

Your anger boiled over, "You'd take Ghirahim's word over mine?!" You could tell something changed inside of him as he turned away, "We've been friends for a long time. So what if he kissed me! The point is I fought back! Anyway, we are supposed to be saving Zelda at the moment! This shouldn't matter!"

Link closed his eyes as you spoke. You hoped your words were enough to shake him out of his current state, "Why should you care so much anyway?"

"Because I can't get that picture out of my head!" Link shouted, standing up to face you, "When I first met him, he was hovering over you, his long tongue..." He cringed at the memory, "I didn't know what to think."

A bit hesitant, you replied, "How can I help get rid of it?"

For once in ages, Link looked you in the eye and gently took ahold of your shoulders, "By replacing it with another..." Before you could think of a response, Link pulled you in quickly, his lips meeting yours delicately. The kiss was tender, sweet and full of unspoken emotion as Link's warm bare chest pressed against yours.

Weather you liked it or not, when he pulled away you were stunned, "...Link..."

He put his hand to your lips, "Shh... Don't speak. You don't know how I've been tortured by these emotions. And you don't have to feel the same. I just want to remember that moment forever." He let go of you, sighing, "You really should get some sleep. We need to get an early start tomorrow." You stumbled back towards the door, and he nodded, "Go on..."

Stunned by the events, you exited his room and returned to yours. In confusion you plopped onto your bed and tried to make sense of today's events. Link truly had feelings for you, and it was easier to snap him out of his stubborn trance than you thought.

"Well it looks like it's going to be a lot harder to split you two up than I thought." A voice echoed around you.

It's familiarity caused you to draw your dagger in earnest, facing your opponent. Ghirahim leaned against the door frame casually, "Such passionate emotions," He gestured to you, "but now I know Link's weakness."

"What are you doing here?!" You sneered at the demon lord.

He chuckled, "You think my domain only consists of the Surface? You underestimate me, and that...stings." He grinned.

Your heart began to race once more, and your could feel your heart thumping behind your bandaged wounds, "What do you want?"

Ghirahim sauntered towards you, "Simply that talk I promised you."

"Sorry, I don't associate with psychopaths." You tried to get out of the corner he was forcing you in.

"Psychopaths? You are wrong, ___. I am not mad. I'm just very, very determined." He stared deep into your eyes, "Why don't you join us?"

You braced your dagger as you tried to slide past him, "You mean you and your 'master?'"

Ghirahim stopped you with his arm, "Why not? It could be...profitable. And there is so much more to you than all this 'heroism' and 'innocence'..." He moved in closer. Frantic, you flicked your hand, trying to slice his chest. In a flash, he grabbed your wrist and twisted it so the dagger fell from your grasp, "Now I'll have none of that."

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