Taken Captive

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"FINALLY!!!" You screamed at the top of your lungs as you jumped out of bed, and threw on your repaired armor and weapons. It had been way to long since you were able to go on another adventure with Link. At least Ghirahim's spell bag thing helped quicken your recovery. The old woman even was able to take out the stitches, and yeah you had a wicked scar, but you also had quite the story.

"Wow, slow down..." Link held his hands up hoping to make you stop, "Don't be too hard on yourself just yet."

You snorted, "Hard? I feel like kicking some monster butt right now!" You grabbed your harp and snapped it in two, creating your bow and strapped it to your back, "Besides I'm all healed up!"

Groose stood behind Link as he chuckled, "You are so not going to stop a woman from fighting their arch nemesis/lover."

Link snapped his gaze back at Groose, "When did you hear about that?!"

"Hey take it easy! She told me herself!" Groose held up his hands as if in surrender, "Besides look at her..."

You chuckled and put on your bracers, "Are you kidding? Even if he did heal me.. He still deserves a good beating. And it's about time I learned those song parts you found in Faron and Lanayru."

Link found himself out argued and easily swayed. So you two are off to Eldin! It felt so good to get out of that musty sick bed and breath the cool air of Skyloft once again. To feel the breeze in your hair and your loftwing's warm fur. Pipit must've healed her up well because she flew with strength in every movement.

Even as you plummeted down towards the smoldering lands of Eldin, you sucked in the smell of ashes and welcomed the heat that boiled you from the inside out. Suddenly a shock wave knocked the two of you off course in the wind, showering you with white ash and coloring the sky black. Now the adventure became quickly unwelcome as you plummeted towards the smoldering rocks. The wind snatched you away from Link as a plethora of rocks rained around you.

The ash, heat and darkness disoriented you, and you couldn't find Link! All you heard was a painful yelp somewhere above you before you tumbled down the side of a mountain. Spinning uncontrollably towards molten lava, you tried to dig your heels into the rock to avoid burning alive. You landed hard among steaming cracks, your vision wobbling, and blurring from the heat. For the few days you spent recovering in bed, now all your favorite bruises had returned from the fall, along with a splitting headache. You couldn't move, it felt like the only thing working was your senses.

In terror, you saw your body being flipped over to face a small army of chuckling bokoblins. Instead of ripping you to shreds, they grabbed your wrists and dragged you helplessly along the hard ground. You could just make out the blurry figure of Link, his head battered and bloody, being dragged a few feet in front of you. Making their way into a deep cave lit by torches, you were both tossed into a makeshift prison. All your possessions were confiscated, including your armor, and all you could do was lye there and stare at the unconscious Link and smoldering walls.

It took a few extra minutes before you felt like your vision cleared and you could begin to move parts of your body. You really didn't want another broken bone or laceration, but thankfully you were just really banged up. A nice blue and purple bruise graced your forehead accompanied by some bad scrapes, but at least nothing was broken. Lifting yourself off the ground, you felt your clothing stick to your skin with sweat from the warm earth. Testing out your legs, you were able to get to Link's side without falling over.

Turning him over on his back, you caressed his head trying to get him to come to. His entire half of his face was covered in blood and dirt. You felt something wet glide over your hands and saw the crimson trail it lead into his sunshine hair. You started to panic when you realized your situation. You were imprisoned without any resources or weapons, with Link unconscious in your arms with a mighty concussion. Frantically you shook his shoulders, "Link! Come on, wake up! I need you!"

You continued to shake him until he groaned, and you quickly stopped, "Link!? Link, can you hear me?"

His head rolled in effort, "You don't have to shout, ___." He grumbled under his breath.

You sighed, "Oh, good, your conscious..." Then you remembered his wound. Tearing off both your sleeves, you padded away the dirt and blood, wrapping his head.

"Ow! Hey!..." Link complained as he flinched, "You need your sleeves!"

You smiled as you worked, "No I don't... It's way too hot here anyway."

Link sat up with a groan, feeling your bandage, "What exactly happened? Where are we?"

"In captivity I guess... After the volcano exploded we got snatched by a group of bokoblins. They took everything, and I don't really want to know what they want us for..." You sighed as you looked out through the crude wooden bars to see a red-skinned guard bracing a spear.

Link stood slowly, trying to test out his balance as you helped him, "Yeah, well... Let's not find out then." He walked up to the bars and tested their strength. The bokoblin turned around with a cackle and jabbed his spear through the bars, pushing Link back.

"That isn't going to work..." He clenched his teeth at a massive headache pierced his thoughts.

"We have no weapons, Link. Not even a small dagger, how are we going to get anywhere?" You started to stress out a bit.

As you both contemplated, a funny digging sound came from behind you, and a beady eyed head popped through the surface of the earth, "Eh! Haven't seen you around for a while! Didn't think you two'd be the ones to get caught up in this treasure huntin' mess!" The mogma cocked his head to the side as he spoke, a crooked grin on his face.

You chuckled as you saw Link sigh in annoyance, "Hey, you haven't by any chance seen our weapons at all have you?"

"Oh boy! They've got them all hidden around here! They know you two are smart ones, but hey, I stole this!" He pulled out a pair of mogma mitts Link had received a long time ago, "I wasn't going to steal them from ya or anything, but... They might help. Hey, be careful out there 'K! Don't let them see ya! Good luck!"


Ugh... My head! That fall was more than unexpected, and now ___ and I are imprisoned in a volcano that could erupt any minute! *winces at pain* Ohh... I wonder what caused it to act out so suddenly? We're going to have to find a way out of here, and soon!... I have to say I've never been so happy to wake up in ___'s arms though...


Well I'm still suspended... but not for long! I'm finally nearing the end of my sentence, and I also gave ___ back her bird! You should've seen the look in her eyes when she saw her, it was heaven on earth! That's one thing I love about the people in Skyloft. Their connection with their birds. It's like they become one soul when they fly. I feel it all the time. It's truly magnificent.


I feel more like myself now than I did earlier in the week... It's like ___ gave me the energy I needed to carry on without her. And Link brought back a huge tree for me to tend to while their gone! Can you imagine this beast of a tree? It really brightens up the place a lot, gives me hope that everything is gonna turn out alright, ya know?


Well this is unexpected... I'd like to see how this whole situation plays out... How will the heroes survive without their precious gifted weapons? We'll see how talented they really are... Not to mention ___. Oh, don't worry, I'm not going to caudal her! Pressure makes diamonds, and I intend to burnish her to her full potential. And what better place to find a diamond than in a volcano?

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