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As your loftwings gently placed the enormous pot of pumpkin soup on the little grassy island in the thundercloud, you tried to regain your concentration. After the fight in the tavern, millions of thoughts scrambled your brain to the max. Why was Pipit acting so strangely, and when did he ever meet with Ghirahim?! What did he say to him? You shook yourself back to the moment in frustration. It didn't matter now.

On your way here, you dropped Groose off at the forest temple and remained silent the rest of the way. You hated it when situations got awkward between you an Link, because you were forced to work together.

Your thoughts were interrupted by Link, "I wonder where he is?"

A slight rain began to fall and thunder rumbled in the distance. Just as you were about to open your mouth, a wave of energy rumbled through the air as a giant grey stomach soared above you the size of Skyloft! Your heart quickly sped up almost in fear at the thought of fighting such a monster in the air.

"Come on!" Link dashed off the side of the island and mounted his lofting.

Your instincts quickly took over as you raced across the grass and into the clouds. Falling faster than the drops of rain, your whistle pierced the air and you loftwing came blazing beneath you. Taking a tight grip, you searched for Levias through the grey matter. Your heart skipped a beat when you noticed his enormity. If you can imagine a blue whale 10x it's own size soaring through the clouds with giant worms sticking out of it's skin; You're nowhere near the horror in front of you. Link was already attacking the pulsating eyes at the ends of the parasite. Pushing your loftwing to her it's limit, you climbed higher into the storm, finding yourself floating beside thick, grey skin.

Seeing your chance, you commanded your loftwing to attack, and squeezed your eyes shut. Your skin came in contact with the slimy surface as you drilled your way through the tissues of the eye. You looked behind you to see the worm fall limp and loose it's grip on Levias, plunging o the surface below. Your victory was short lived when you realized you were covered in stringy layers of cornea and clear jelly. You shuddered, hoping you wouldn't have to demolish any more of those pests.

Turning back to catch up to Levias, you could see Link had gotten the last of the worms and faced a parasite on foot near Levias' head. Your loftwing suddenly gave out a shrill screech and you turned just in time to see a jagged cliff of a nearby island racing towards you. With a desperate yelp, you pulled your loftwing up as hard as you could. It all happened so fast. Your loftwing clipped the edge of the island and tumbled across the ground, sending you flying from the saddle.

You felt your body slide over the cliff's edge, and you frantically grabbed hand-fulls of soggy ground, digging your nails in deep. Hanging over the abyss, you watched your loftwing lay injured yards in front of you. Your whole body tensed as you felt your grip slip against the wet grass and you tried to find a hold in the rock with your feet. In horror, you watched as the world tipped back and you felt the sickening feeling of free-fall. Your whistle went in vain as your loftwing screamed from the ledge above. A stray tear mixed in with the rain as you submerged into the thick cloud barrier.

There was too much time. Too much time to think about your horrible ending. This couldn't be it?! You promised to help Link! Your body hit something hard, knocking the wind out of your lungs, and you gritted your teeth in fright. But you felt no broken bones, just the feeling of flight, and heard a familiar chuckle, "You can open your eyes now."

Taking in a deep breath you opened your eyes to meet the sparkling features of Pipit, and you nearly cried in surprise. Bursting through the cloud barrier, you had a hard time rewinding your fate, "Pipit, I..."

He still smelled a bit like the tavern, but he seemed more alert, "Hey, don't worry about it, ___. Let's get you back up to your fight!"

Beaming with thanks, you clutched onto Pipit as you soared back up to Levias, your clothes billowing like kites. Dropping you next to Link, you drew your weapons with confidence, prepared to finnish this monster off. The battle was easier than previous ones and the beast exploded internally, sending green bile in ever direction. Levias roared in pain as he thrashed around in the clouds. You held on tight to Link as you tried to brace yourselves. And then it stopped, and you could regain your balance.

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