Fear And Awe

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The pressure on your arm released, but was replaced by a glowing ring of ropes around your waist, binding your arms to your sides. Everything was hazy with no definite shape except the white figure of the demon lord, staring straight at you.

Struggling against your bonds, you cried out at him, "What do you want?!"

Ghirahim kept a very straight face as he replied, "I should think that would be obvious by now. Where is the second gate of time?"

You snorted, "Like I'm gonna tell you."

He grinned slightly, almost like he had something very important gripping his mind, "You know, I'm quite fond of you, ___. I will not deny, I'd hoped you would... become my queen when I rule this world at the hand of my master."

"I'll never be the queen of the damned!" You sneered at him.

After a long pause, he clenched his teeth, "That's what you think of me..." Ghirahim sighed heavily as he faced you, "I never wanted a throne... All I ever wanted was to be respected for once in my life. To have people look at me in fear and awe instead of spit in my face!"

You could hear the fury in his voice as he spoke, his face twisted with painful memories, "Even you... I can see it in your eyes. What am I to you but the monster parents tell their children about at night?!" He seized your shoulders, staring into your soul, "For once I have the chance to gain power, respect and you'll do anything to seize it from me!" He lowered his voice and eyes to a level you would have never guessed was capable for him, "But no matter how hard I try, I can't bring myself to kill you. To see you die... or drown..."

You gasped, finally figuring out who your savior was in Lanayru. He let go of your shoulders, returning to his normal pompous character, "So... Here we are... I never wanted to accomplish things this way, but it seems it's my only option. Since there is still the outstanding matter of Link's punishment. You, my dear will be sitting on the sidelines, so as not to cause interference."

With a snap of his fingers, Ghirahim brought you out of the twilight realm and back into the blazing heat of reality. You were still bound, and he placed you on the ledge above the dome floor. Writhing against the ropes you watched as Ghirahim shed his cloak and prepared for battle, magically summoning a black layer of armored skin. Of course he boasted about it, and Link stared him down with a snarl. The nest few moments of your life were spent watching the heated battle helplessly. Ghirahim taunted Link with every chance he got, summoning rings of glowing daggers to slice at Link's skin.

No matter how skilled Link was as a warrior, you knew he wouldn't last if you didn't try to help. By now, your wrists and arms were raw and bloody. The fibers of the rope stung as it dug into your flesh, but you continued to writhe. It felt like they were getting looser with every movement, or maybe it was just your imagination.

In rage, Link finally managed to slice at the demon lord's thigh, yet he just chuckled and summoned two dark sabers, "That's more of the challenge I was looking for. Why fight with such passion now, boy?" He quickly lunged towards Link, knocking his attack aside and hitting him in the back of the head with the hilt of his blade.

You could tell it took a toll on Link as he struggled to stand. His vision clouding. Ghirahim sauntered around him, "What gives you such a fire in your belly that makes you think you could defeat me?"

Link glanced up at you, trying to find the strength to fight. Ghirahim noticed your connection, "So... It's the girl?" He sneered as he put the sharpened steel of his saber across the unprotected skin of Link's neck, "You think you have something so special between you. Pathetic! You think you deserve even an ounce of her love? You, a measly hero of the goddess..." He sneered as he pulled the blade across Link's neck, drawing a line of crimson blood.

You cringed as you heard Link scream in agony, and you desperately tried to make your way out of your bonds. You couldn't take this torture anymore! Watching your best friend suffer helpless before you. With a frustrated yell, you tore your wrists away from the ropes and disregarded the pain as you flung yourself down from the balcony. Ghirahim clenched his teeth as he saw you advance towards him, sword drawn with a burning anger in your eyes.

"This is between you and me, Ghirahim!" You yelled at the top of your lungs, "Whatever happened in the past doesn't justify your actions in the present! That is why we have been sent by the Goddess to stop selfish hearts like you! We've gotten this far! What makes you think the outcome will be different?!" You screamed at him, watching his features change rapidly at every word you hurled at him.

Ghirahim breathed heavily, "I have no choice..."

"Life is full of choices! Of course you have a choice!" You continued to lecture him as you circled each other, giving time for Link to regain some strength, "You have no right to decide someone's death." Pausing for a second, you suddenly lunged towards Ghirahim, swiping his blade aside to clip his unarmed shoulder.

You could tell Ghirahim was using all his strength against the urge to severely injure you. At one point when you clipped him again, his anger took over and he swiftly sliced your thigh in hopes to slow you down. The cut stung like fire, but nothing could stop you, the adrenaline rushed through your body dulling all pain. Bright yellow sparks flew around you as your blades collided in fury. Taking a step back, Ghirahim leaped straight into the air, disappearing in the gray smoke hanging in the air at the top of the dome. Listening intently, you rolled to the side moments before he came crashing down, piercing the marble floor with both blades. Taking the opportunity, you jumped to your feet and sliced him across his shoulder blades, kicking his knees in.

Your bloody hand stained his thick white hair as you shoved him to the ground, your sword point at his throat. Ghirahim's breath was heavy with effort as he murmured hatefully, "Go ahead, run me through." His black eyes stared into yours as you prepared to drive your blade into his throat, "What are you waiting for, ___?! Go on! Pierce my heart! Let rivers of blood wash away my dishonored guts!"


This is it! ___ has Ghirahim trapped! We might finally be free of this menace forever if she kills him now!... My concern for ___ gave me a lot more power than I had ever known I had... But it still wasn't enough! Maybe that's why the goddess chose ___ to be my partner? So we can have the strength and the courage to defeat evil together! We cannot rely on ourselves for any of these challenges, we must rely on one another! I have to say it's definitely taught me something about relationships, and their importance. She is so strong and beautiful and brilliant!... Ghirahim is right... I don't deserve her at all, but the fact that she might be willing to accept me and all my flaws... It's more than I can ask, but I will give all of me to her!


Well, that's it! I give up!!! After a bit of thinking I decided to go out and try again, but... every time I get caught by a patrol! I don't know how Link and ___ do it without people getting suspicious! I mean, they are suspicious, but no one has ever witnessed them go down to the surface so I have no clue as to how to get there on my own!!! I feel stupid and depressed and frustrated!!! Ugh... I just want to help ___.... I'm not usually one for wine, but at the moment it sounds really good!


Well they're not back yet... and I talked to Grannie about my concern, but she's pretty confident they're doing fine. It's kinda like she already knows how this whole adventure is going to turn out... But what do I know? She has ancient magic to look into the future if she wanted... Maybe she does know the future? OK! Now i'm curious!


I've always been prepared to suffer such a fate as this... At least it will be at the hands of the only woman I have ever cared for. She would indeed make a great queen! *a flash of darkness and all too familiar eyes brings a harsh anger and a fighting strength* Argh! NO! I must place these feeling s behind me! I have waited eons for this, and I can NOT fail at this task!!! When she goes to strike me, I will unleash my power given to me by the dark one!... The initial impact will kill her for sure if she doesn't survive the evils that transform me... *feels a twinge of guilt and hurt that is quickly blotted out by an overwhelming presence* But I... I MUST take that chance for my master!

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