Demon's True Form

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Taking after Groose, you strapped your bow to your back and drew your sword once more. Bracing his two-handed sword, Groose cut through the hordes like a farmer through wheat fields. Only a few stragglers made it around to you, which were easy to battle out of the way as Groose cleared a path down towards the pit. Glancing through the golden barriers, you could still see Ghirahim hovering his hands over Zelda's limp form. You still had time!

Just when you were a few feet away from the bottom, a monstrous figure twice the size of Groose appeared out of nowhere in front of you. Bracing a tree club he prepared to knock you out of this world and into the next. You knew your weapons were no match for his size, preparing every bone in your body to roll out of the way. Before he could take a swing, the brute's head jolted back in an agonizing yelp. Dropping his weapon, he clamored for something sticking out of his back.

"Take that, Big Ugly!" Groose held fast to his sword, driving it deeper into it's back, "What are you waiting for, ___?! Get down there!"

"Come on!" Link flashed by your side, grabbing your arm and pulling you away.

Taking a last glance at the fighting pair, you prayed Groose would make it out alive as you raced into the opening at the bottom of the barrier. You hardly noticed you were out of breath and dizzy with heat as you stared Ghirahim in the face. With a grin and a snap of his fingers, the barrier closed behind you, keeping the knights out and trapping you in. Dozens of horrific monsters were summoned from mid-air, charging the two of you.

Taking in another breath, you protected each other's backs as you cut through the beasts. Link's honorary sword charged with heavenly light easily decapitated three with one blow. The eerie blue waves slicing through the air and anything in their way made it that much quicker to reach the demon lord. All but one of your enemies had fallen. The bottom of the pit was strewn with blood and gore, but you had barely noticed. Stepping over the carcasses, you faced the one demon who could put fire in your veins and melt your heart.

Ghirahim continued his ritual, his fingers flowing gently over the gold-dusted body of Zelda. He looked up at you with a fierce gaze, "You're far too quick, boy! I realize a simple child like you knows nothing of magic, but spells like this take time and a steady hand!" He grinned widely, "Can't you wait quietly like a good boy? Hmm?" His tone filled with mockery.

In fury, Link charged his sword and threw a strike of light at his face. Ghirahim raised his arm, and rickashayed the beam off his own magic. The demon lord clenched his teeth in anger, "You petulant brat!... You've pushed me too far. I've waited my whole existence for this! This is my moment!" He glanced over at you, his eyes softening so briefly it was hard to tell it was ever there, the evil returned as he snapped his gaze back to Link, "You know what? Fine!" With an invisible force, he pushed Zelda hundreds of feet above the pit where she stayed unconscious, "If you're so intent on hurrying to your grave, I'll be happy to show you the way!" He snapped his fingers, creating a barrier that separated you from Link. Trapping you in with Ghirahim.

"__, No!" Link ran up to the barrier, pounding on it but with no prevail. All he could do was watch.

Before you could even prepare yourself for the fight, a golden glow curled around you like flames. A tingling feeling passed over your skin, very much like the poultice that he used to heal you. Your heart raced as you stared at the demon lord, watching as the magic transformed your armor. The feeling of sweat soaked cloth evaporated into a silken embrace. The glow slowly subsided, and you were left clothed in yards of flowing white and red fabric, decked in splashes of blue and gold. The breeze graced your bare back, sending chills up your spine.

If the occasion had been different, you might have been prone to being enchanted, but many mixed emotions filled your senses, causing you to glare at Ghirahim who eyed you gently. No emotion was found behind his eyes as he took the few steps towards you, closing the space between. Holding your head high in confidence, you tried to stifle your fear, but it came out in short trembles.

He noticed easily and spoke quietly, "If only I'd put you in your place from the beginning. I was a fool to toy with you and let you walk away with your life before. If I hadn't sought after such beauty, maybe this chaos wouldn't have interfered with my plans. Such a guilty pleasure..." He reached out to caress your cheek, but you jerked it away. Ghirahim sighed, "My queen... Maybe someday you'll learn to love a monster like me. But I can't have you helping that hero now can I?" The hatred returned as he turned to look at Link.

Vanishing and appearing on the other side of the barrier, your heart raced once more for the concern of your best friend. Picking up the silken white fabric, you raced over to the barrier, pressing your hands against it in earnest. Link shared a long frightened glance with you then turned to face his immortal enemy. Bracing his heavenly sword and shield, balancing with perfection. Ghirahim shed his crimson cloak, tossing it aside where it vanished, "This time there will be no heroic escape or rescue, Link! How I should've run you through when we first met, but no... Given my station, I had to maintain some semblance of dignity, so I let you run with your life... Twice, even. But instead of scurrying away like any creature with a basic instinct to survive, you just kept coming back. Again...and again...and again. Show a human a little mercy and the next thing you know, he thinks himself your equal. I've let a mere boy make a fool of me for the last time!"

With a blast of hot air, a jet of black flames engulfed him, and a glowing platform of transparent jades lifted both Link and the demon lord high above the pit near Zelda. It was too high up to see what was going on, except the pillar of fire around Ghirahim had dissipated, and two figures stood opposite each other ready for battle. The only thing you could catch was Ghirahim's voice, static on the slight breeze, "I'll delight in casting your body into this pit and snuffing out the flame of your life! Your broken body will serve as fine sustenance for the demon king! That, I promise!"


This is it... It's either life or death... If I fail, ___ will surely become queen of the darkness, or die trying to resist. I can't have that happen! I've never seen her look so beautiful though. Through the smoke, and haze of the barrier she looks like a goddess!... Oh, Please goddess give me strength to best this demon!


I've never felt more alive in my life, than I have in the past few minutes in battle! When ___ and Link took off down to rescue Zelda, I saw this look come from ___. Like she was wishing me good luck. :) But now! If Link fails to defeat that demon, I'll give it everything I've got to kill him before he can claim ___ as his 'queen'! *spits* I despise him!


Ugh... I can't believe I'm still alive! I've never lost so much blood... I feel faint... Wait ___! She's beautiful! How...? That demon lord! He's caused too much trouble in all our lives. Link better be able to defeat him! It seems he's shown his true form. A black soul with demonic powers. Oh ___ please stay safe!!!


I swear, I will beat the life out of this mortal! Link... Ohhh... He'll wish he never was born, let alone chosen! Though I hate for ___ to see me in my demon form.... Such is the price for magic and power amongst the gods. Sometimes I wonder if the price I've payed is really worth it all... Maybe if I didn't, then ___ wouldn't look at me like that!

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